Small dogs, which were also called toy dogs in the past, were called “toy dogs”. The reason is that in the Renaissance when bladder sleeves were in fashion, it was an affectionate custom to carry these dogs inside their sleeves as arm warmers! They may seem fragile, but most of these dogs are very trusting and do not fear anyone.
Although each little dog is unique, they all have some very similar characteristics.
The Chihuahua is thought to have originated in Mexico. This dog can weigh up to 6 pounds and is about 6-9 inches long. The colors of this dog vary greatly from black and black, black and white spotted, or almost any other color. Their coat can be either long and light or long and feathery.
Chihuahuas think they are much bigger than they are! They have very feisty personalities, but they love being with their family very much.
The Havanese is a very cool dog to own in the United States. The greatest number of them are returned to Cuba from where they are. This dog has a square frame, a bushy tail, and very soft expressive eyes. A long, silky, and abundant coat.
The Havanese has a delightful personality and is a good family dog.
Japanese Chin
It originates from China, but was developed in Japan. They are decorated with large eyes and a feather through the coat. They weigh up to 7 pounds and are 7-11 inches tall. He uses his chin with his claws – almost like a cat – to wash his face!
The Japanese Chin is known to be a rather good watchman. This is one of the most peaceful dogs, with excellent intelligence and very manageable. This dog does not like rough handling.
The Maltese have a very regal look around them and enjoy it nicely. This dog is easily distinguished by its long, flowing white hair. This dog weighs about 4-6 pounds and will be 9-10 inches long.
Despite their small size, the Maltese are by no means delicate. He has a fun, gentle, pious nature. However, it is not the best for families with small children.
Minature Pinscher
The Miniature Pinscher is a confident, cheerful dog. Almost like deer. An ancient race was once used to drive away rats from villages. Even history has a circus dog!
This dog weighs about 8-10 pounds. Here dog will try to bark a lot. He will rule her, if you do not decide who is the leader. The Miniature Pinscher can be a bit snappy around children.
He was once revered by Peke as a member of the royal court. It has a long coat and should be brushed at least three times a week.
Peke is stubborn and independent but teaches well. Pekes is better with older children.
The Pomeranian comes from herds and cousins, drawing their elders. They usually weigh between 4-6 pounds. They are also constantly on the vine.
This dog also knows he is in the circus! They are full of personality and have an amazing team around them.
The Poodle is the national dog of France, but it originated in Germany where it was called the Pudel. It is born to be less than 10 inches long and has a full curly coat. The poodle is very intelligent and easy to train. They are talented and entertaining and well known for performing in the circus.
Eboraca Terrier
The Yorkshire Terrier is a charismatic, spirited dog. These dogs are good companions and very loving. They are very adaptable to whatever your family is like.
Shih Tzu
This is a very beautiful, but compact and strong dog. Shih Tzu is playful, play dog also enjoys being spoiled! This type thrives on socialization.