10 Fat Burning Foods and How to Add Them to Your Diet

Are there really foods that can fight fat? There are many foods that are low in calories and fill you up, which is good to eat with a diet, but can food actually fight fat? After some research this writer came up with a list of 10 foods that fight fat.

These are not foods that are filling to help you eat less, the foods in this list are actually designed to fight fat. This does not mean that by adding these foods, you will eat all the fat you want. These foods can be beneficial in reducing fat when combined with a healthy diet.

Foods That Fight Fat – Raw Nuts
Nuts contain healthy fats and oils. Not only do these help you feel full longer, but the alpha linolenic acid (omega 3) found in almonds and the omega 3s found in walnuts can help with fat metabolism.

How to find more in your diet When adding nuts to your diet, be sure they are raw and not healthy, and stick with a small serving. Even though nuts have healthier fats, you still don’t want to eat too much.

Foods That Fight Fat – Chilis and Other Hot Peppers
A chemical in chili peppers called capsaicin can also raise your metabolism.

How to find more in your diet Add chopped chilies to meats and dishes that use tomato sauce as a base for more spices. If you don’t like your food really hot, try adding some pepper red for a milder option.

Foods That Fight Fat – Tomatoes
Tomatoes contain phytochemicals that stimulate the production of carnitine. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center1, carnitine helps break down fat so your body can use it as energy. Cooking actually helps release the fat burning properties of tomatoes.

How to find more in your diet It is beneficial to add tomatoes to your diet by eating more dishes with tomato sauce, or add diced tomatoes to soups and meat dishes.

Foods That Fight Fat – Garlic and Onion
Both garlic and onion come from the same family, so they are listed together here. Both contain phytochemicals that can help the body use fat as energy. Raw garlic is better than cooked, so if you cook it , to cook the garlic slightly.

How to find more in your diet Add chopped garlic or onions to any dish where you want more flavor. Be aware, however, that both garlic and onion have blood-thinning properties, so follow your doctor’s advice on their use if you have any questions.

Foods That Fight Fat – Soy
Soy is a healthy protein that contains choline. Choline prevents the absorption of fat, and helps to break down fat deposits already in the body.

How to find more in your diet You can add soybeans to salads, or even mix tofu with meatloaf. It is delicious to drink soy milk. Milk you can replace soy in your cereal.

Foods that fight Fat – Low Fat dairy
Eating dairy products, preferably those that are low in fat, can help burn fat. They also reduce the fat enzymes created in your body. According to WebMD2, calcium alone does not promote fat burning. There is a combination of calcium, protein and minerals in dairy products that helps burn fat.

How to find more in your diet Aim for 3 servings of low-fat dairy in your diet each day. You can drink milk, or yogurt and cheese. Opt for low fat, no added sugar varieties when possible.

Foods That Fight Fat – Berries
Berries, and other fruits rich in vitamin C, are not only useful for their antioxidant properties. According to a study from the University of Arizona at Massa in an article cited by Lucius Danziger3, eating foods in vitamin C can increase fat burning your workouts by up to 30 percent.

How to find more in your diet Berries are great to eat by themselves, or you can make them with one or a mixture. Also add a bunch of berries to make salad or berry soup. Berries are also good with many dishes added chicken.

Foods That Fight Fat – Oranges
Not only do oranges contain vitamin C with the benefits mentioned above, but they also contain flavors that prevent your body from gaining fat a>.

How to find more in your diet Oranges are good to eat by themselves, or you can drink orange juice with the pulp. Oranges can also be boiled and added to chicken or seafood.

Foods that fight fat vinegar
It is believed that the acetic acid in vinegar can help break down fat and help flush it out of the body. Only two spoonfuls are needed for fat burning benefits. Make sure to drink extra water when adding vinegar to your diet.

How to find more in your diet Use vinegar-based salads and marinades for an easy way to add vinegar to your diet.

Foods That Fight Fat – Water
If you become dehydrated, your metabolism will slow down, which will keep your body from burning fat properly. Drinking enough water will prevent dehydration and help the body maintain a better metabolism.

How to find more in your diet Rather than sitting on a soft drink, try a glass of water. Add a lemon or lime wedge for flavor, if desired. Sodium can also be a good source of water, but be sure to keep sodium low.

1) University of Maryland Center; Carnitine (L-carnitine); University of Maryland Medical Center
2) Web MD, LLC; Dairy Foods Help Burn Fat, Speed ​​Weight Loss; WebMD
3) Lucius Danziger; 8 Diets That Fight Fat (from University of Arizona to Mesa Research); health.yahoo.com

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