10 Tips for Kids’ Sunscreen Safety in 2012

Another summer, another parenting dilemma — at least when it comes to sunscreen safety.

While new, easier-to-understand, sunscreen labeling cards were supposed to be in place by June 2012, the Food and Drug Administration recently announced that the changes will be delayed for another six months. Already, several US lawmakers are asking for new sunscreen rules to be rolled out before summer hits the beach and asking the FDA to reverse the decision.

Meanwhile, the Environmental Association Working released its annual solo guide and Consumer Reports presented its annual list. best buy sunscreen

Here are 10 of the 2012 sun safety tips for kids:

1. Avoid sunscreens containing retinyl palmitate. FDA research suggests that this chemical — which is a form of vitamin A — may increase the risk of skin cancer in sun-exposed skin.

2. High sun protection factor (SPF) sunscreens are not necessarily better and may cause users to loosen up when reapplying . Products with stipulating SPFs over 50 may also be banned from new labels.

3. Avoid showers and sunscreens that contain particles that can be inadvertently inhaled. According to the EWG, some sunscreens contain nanoscale and micronized zinc oxide, which can cause lung inflammation.

4. Look for sunscreens that contain words like “babies” or “kids” in the product name. Products marketed for children are less likely to contain allergy-inducing fragrances and the hormone-disrupting chemical oxybenzone.

5. Hats, shirts and sunglasses are very important in defense against the sun’s rays. Mayo Clinic recommends investing in sun protective clothing for all outdoor activities.

6. Tell your kids to avoid the midday sun and seek shade whenever possible. The peak hours of the sun are between 10 p.m. and 2 p.m.

7. According to USA Today, no product completely blocks harmful rays, and words like “sunblock,” “control,” and “sweatproof” are misleading because all products are. The new labels will use the term “water resistant” and include the time when to reapply.

8. Make sure you wear enough sunscreen. According to Consumer Reports, you should apply at least two layers of body lotion at a minimum. Repeat the process and reapply every two hours and after swimming or sweating.

9. Consumer Reports ratings of 18 popular sunscreens lists No-Ad with Aloe & Vitamin E SPF 45 and Walgreens Continuous Spray High SPF 50 are the best buys this season.

10. EWG reports the 188 best beach and beach sunscreens for 2012. Among the group’s top rated reads: All Terrain, Kiss My Face and Sunology.

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