10 Tips for Proofreading Articles for Mistakes

I’ve been writing for Aggregate Content for about two months now, so I have to say that it’s not true that I practice these tips all the time, and I’ve had my share of spelling errors and typos, but I’m trying my best to learn from them. my mistakes I’ve learned one after eighty plus, and counting, that there are a few things that can help prevent mistakes in an article.

1. Re-read your work
Read your work as often as you can, if it drives you crazy, rewrite it at least once.

2. Read your finished Pies Loud
By reading a great lesson, you don’t just go through what you wrote. You know what you wanted to say, but what did you write? When you scan when you read, you would see that “bad is good” and read that “bad is not good” because that’s what you knew you wanted to write. Well, those two phrases have very different meanings that can lead to your entire opinion of what they think or do wrong.

3. Use Spell Checker
Remember to use spelling, this way you can immediately see and correct the errors that you have made.

4. Use Calm Grammar
If you have an account that has checkered grammar, then you should use that too. This means that if you use homonyms, like “there” and “their”, the grammar checker should note when the word is used incorrectly. This can also be useful if he wanted to express the word “of” and take the I key, since it is right next to the O key and the F key, “if” cannot be a word taken from the spell. checkered

5. Search Common Errors
Now if you’ve made mistakes in the past, and we all do, you’ll want to look them up. Sometimes forgetting to add an S to the end of a word can lower the readiness of your work, how important it is to be taken by readers. Watch out for words that end in IST because when you read them out loud, they will still sound good if you want them to be plural. Say the word scientist and now say the word scholar. Not a big difference in sound.

6. Read slowly
By reading both out loud and slowly you will increase your chances of catching a mistake.

7. Return To It
Now if you’re submitting a news article you probably won’t be able to take a break from working on your piece before you submit it. But when you are writing a general chapter, once you have finished writing it, leave the article. So when you reread for mistakes, your mind will be fresher, and you won’t still have every single sentence in your memory.

8. Read the preview
Even after you touch the Finish and Preview button, you will read your article one last time. You will still be able to change it if you need to.

9. Everything is proven
While re-reading your article after you’ve submitted it and looking at the outline you can read the takeaways, the punch line and the headline and sub-headline. Remember if you post something wrong where you enter the red squiggly headline line will not appear as in the body portion of the article. Consider copying and pasting what you write for the headline and sub-headline in the abstract to make sure no squiggly red line comes up. Also consider copying and pasting what you write in the topic highlights in the fight or interesting-facts so you can see if someone has a squiggly red line they seem

10. Great reproaches
It is a good idea when testing your work that you minimize all distractions or as many distractions as you can. I try to proofread my articles when my son is lazy, he is ten months old and when I write I am constantly making sure he plays it safe and it can make it difficult for me to see all the errors when I separate my work.

Don’t beat yourself up if you make a mistake. Just learn from your mistakes, that’s what I try to do.

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