10 Ways to Prevent Heart Disease

Our world is moving at a very fast pace and it’s only getting faster. It is often difficult to find food and exercise healthy habits. Our bodies tend to fill up very easily and quickly – going for junkfood such as potato chips and cookies rather than cooking healthy food like vegetables and chicken. So we eat foods low in fiber and sugar and fat. Although we live longer than our elders, we spend much more on our health in our older years, relying on blood and cholesterol medications to keep the blood oozing through our bodies.

We cannot completely explain the causes of heart disease or atherosclerosis, but we do know that there are many risk factors risi which have been noted. The more of these risk factors you have, the more prone you are to having heart disease.

Some of these risk factors include obesity, high cholesterol, diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, chronic stress; cigarette smoking, elevated homocysteine, family history of heart disease and a sedentary lifestyle. Most of these risks can be eliminated.

How do these factors lead a person to disease? Many work in the same way, but with toxic substances that irritate the lining of the arteries. This leads to a buildup of cholesterol, often called plaque, on the walls of the arteries. The plaque can become really thick and cause a partial blockage, which then restricts the flow of blood through the arteries. It slows blood flow to vital tissues and organs that can result in a heart attack.

10 Things You Can Do to Prevent Heart Disease:

  1. Exercise – enough to make you breathe deeply for 20 minutes. Try walking, riding a bike or climbing stairs. All these great diseases hinder the heart.
  2. Replace fried foods and very good carbohydrates – Try eating more apples and vegetables instead.
  3. Eat more Fiber – Add tables of fiber from oat brain to your meals to add your digestive system more regularly.
  4. Garlic more recently – Garlic has been shown to decrease the risk of disease.
  5. Eat foods that contain omega 3 fatty acids or take an omega 3 supplement.
  6. Drink fresh orange juices – orange juice has many important vitamins. If you don’t want fresh juice, you can take a supplement every day.
  7. Either a small glass of Red wine or a large red grape juice – this has been shown to reduce heart disease. li>
  8. Take vitamin E every day.
  9. Take a daily vitamin B complex – make it 800mcg folic acid, 25 mg B6, 50mcg B12.
  10. Share your stress – Accumsan by connecting with loved ones and friends. Less stress affects the heart disease.
    • These 10 recommendations consist of many ways to lower cholesterol

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