1984, Big Brother Vs. Adolf Hitler

1984 is a book about a corrupt leader who emulates a great empire. George Orwell, the author of the book, wrote brilliant satires about the horrific and brutal atrocities. In his novel 1984, Orwell predicted a society under an all-powerful, omniscient Big Brother. 1984 is a cautionary tale that warns us of the dangers of totalitarian rule. He mentions “Citizens of the future world, there are no hiding places, no secret things. Big Brother is always watching you”. (pg.2)

This authority is a warning of the dangers of a totalitarian government in the future. This is similar to Hitler, who also respected the Nazis and the Jews and was also very controlling.

Adolf Hitler is another leader who is like a Big Brother. He is like a big brother because he is very controlling and obsessed with power. “Hitler was a rationalist and a materialist. This authority shows how obsessed Hitler with power and control can control the people. “Black magic, white magic – Hitler is a typical person with no firm foundation, with all his superficial offenses, quick to judge and quick to condemn.” He had no heart, and he did not think twice about his actions Brother, because he was also quick to judge that he was never equal to any second chance or death.

The cult of personality arises when leaders such as Big Brother and Adolf Hitler use the mass media to create a heroic image without any flattery or praise. Hitler created a cult of personality for himself, making himself god-like and infallible. “Cults of personality are most common in governments with totalitarian systems of government that attempt to radically change or transform society according to new ideas” (pg. 1) This authority refers to Hitler and Big Brother, as both transform society. into their revolutionary ideas using propaganda and art. Hitler and Big Brother achieve themselves as a god-like appeal to the people.

Hitler was involved in many brutal activities related to Big Brother. One of the actions Hitler played a part in was the 1984 holocaust. In the holocaust he killed millions of Jews, because it was a prejudice against them that he regards as a big brother, because it was a prejudice against intelligence. Another of Hitler’s activities involved anti-Semitism in 1984. He used anti-Semitism to seize his life and to strengthen his power. This is related to Big Brother who also used anti-smithism to gain power. His genius was prejudiced, and he made all equal.

Adolf Hitler participated in many activities related to Big Brother. The Holocaust is one act that Hitler took part in that belongs to Big Brother. In the holocaust he killed millions of Jews, because it was a prejudice against them that he regards as a big brother, because it was a prejudice against intelligence. Big Brother also used other methods of shutting down those who were intelligent such as memory chips that erased people’s memories.

Anti-Semitism was another way for Hitler to promote his career and to strengthen his power. Hitler criticized the Jews for political gain, often using them as leverage to gain more. The Nazi party has played with great effect against historical targets and grievances. This refers to 1984, because Big Brother also used the terror of the people to establish his power. They both did what they could to get hold of things.

1984 is a cautionary tale that warns us of the dangers of totalitarian rule. He mentions “For the citizens of the future age, there is no concealment, no secret things. Big brother is always watching you.” This authority is a warning of the dangers of a totalitarian government in the future. Hitler is like Big Brother in that they are both obsessed with power and use the cult of personality to create a heroic public image. Hitler is prejudiced against the Jews, and he is a target for what he did. Big Brother is prejudiced against his wits, and both kill anyone who threatens them. Both are strong leaders who use fraud and play on people’s fears for more power.

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