28 “Write for Us” Creative Writing Jobs & Sites

Are you looking for more “write for us” creative writing jobs and sites to submit your work or your question? At least one of these 28 sites should be in your writing environment. Build your portfolio by having your name in the byline with one of these sites. Some are steady returns and some are asking questions.

If you want more stable paying creative writing jobs, write for a free book. You will receive a list of top 10 companies that hire freelance writers. You can start with trying freelance writing jobs at entry-level. Good luck and message me if you have any questions.

1. About

Hiring: looking for experts in different fields for topics available. It is also useful to see the writers who are trying to produce things.


$675 per month for the first 2 years and $500 thereafter for base pay

There is an opportunity for more

Contributing writers make $500 each month in the first 2 years and $250 each year after

Video producers receive a flat fee of $250 for each video

Guidelines: See the site for more information on writing for De. Writers must have 2 weeks of training to learn about writing and building a website. This does not approve that you will be able to write for De.

2. Seed


Make your articles written in active voice

The journalist should use professional technical methods according to AP style

Read some articles first before submitting

Write in a conversational tone

Articles about Seed may or may not be eligible for publication, since many writers can grab the same title and submit their articles. Put one big question on the pitch but you’ve already done the work with crafting the article. The trick is to read the articles they like and then outperform to win the article and get $30 or more for it.

3. Experts 123

Sign up for 123 experts and answer questions on your knowledge. You can build links to your site and promote your product and service through this website. Writers receive revenue-sharing”>revenue sharing for questions answered according to the number of visitors to the site. Also, to understand python from experts you can 123 and install it on your site so that it can display your answers so that visitors can check you out and bring in revenue.

4. Blue Catalyst Media

Blue Media Catalyst pays a 50% revenue share for at least 150 to 350 words per topic. The list includes health, real estate, security, legal, and more topics. The solution only lasts up to twelve months after the content is posted. See the site for more details.

5. Quality Gal

Quality Gal is a great site to work for and pays quickly. Payments start at $12 per article. It remains that they require certain styles and many links. After getting into the swing of things, Quality Gal can write articles easily. The work tends not to be very stable so you have to check your appointments with them often.

6. London Sectors (aka AMS)

This is another good company to work with freelance writing. They pay every week and have a steady stream of items available. The only thing is that manual article rewriting is a job. The articles you write have usually been re-written a couple of times. It can often take a long time and not be worth the extra effort of $6 per article. However, if you are just starting out and find yourself low on funds, consider signing up for AMS.

7. Send out

The emerging cast is a newer place for writers, voice talent, interpreters, and filmmakers to earn some money . Writing ads is simple and requires almost no research. They pay around $2 each for 150 words in the “How To” format. Weekly expenses are made and you can really score money with this site once you learn the ropes.

8. eCopywriters

E-Copyscripts is a site best suited for copywriting. If you have experience in this type of writing, they can contact you more quickly than the writers who apply with them. If you have this type of experience, be sure to apply and check out the site to see if it’s accepted. Make sure to run stuff through Copyscape.com before sending a copy.

9. Facebook

Yes, you can write for Facebook, and help to make the question and answer the site of the earth. The only thing is that they give almost currency, good for games on the site. Let’s start the beta program now if you want to join the effort.

10. Blogging Tips

Write for Blogging Tips and receive a byline as a guest poster. You also get links at the top and bottom of the post to your site.

11. Sitepoint

sitepoint is the site for web professionals. If you know a lot about content related to this industry, you should be paid $100 and bonus payments per page reviews.

12. Pragmatic Book

Send the Pragmatic Bookshelf proposal first with a query letter to see if those ideas are interesting. See their website for more information about what they want in the project.

13. Blog It

If you love blogging, you can easily create a blog at Blog She. With a great community of other people who love blogging.

14. For Blog Design

If you have a web project, you should consider submitting to Pro Blog. They pay $125 per post and take many subjects in the field. Customers use their site for information on how to submit and the locations they want.

15. Know the Middle Way

Know More Media is a revenue-generating site that pays outrageous fees and traffic commission. Writers for the site should earn around $100 to $800 per month and post at least once a day. Writers are also expected to do their own promotion for their blogs.

16. Daily Jews

Send an inquiry to Send by email and see if you receive your share. You can get a career deal through this website with bylines. Fees differ depending on the section, and writers will also be charged a fee if accepted but then not published.

17. Click Z

Click on the Z column to search for Write about experiences with Internet Marketing. If you have valuable in-depth experience you can share with an audience willing to learn from your success or mistakes, contact Z.

18. Linux Journal

Looking for Linux Journals; well i know you are already guessing. Linux Journal needs some writers who can post informative news and real world stories.

19. young

Now Young Money isn’t hiring writers, but you can get a coveted byline and link to your site.

20. Auction Bytes

Auction Bytes pays $20 for stories but sends out a search letter. Many types of articles ask you to check out their website to see what they want to see.

21. SQL Server Performance

If you have experience with Microsoft SQL Server, you can easily make some extra money by submitting to this site . Contact the company with a question before writing an article to see if it is what they need for their site. Learn more about their user guidelines at the link.

22. Squad Team

They ask their website customer for about three sample posts before they receive approval to write with them. They also require five post-future words.

23. Brain Blogger

Brain Blogger is more like a donation site in exchange for a good byline. If you are looking for your portfolio with clips, this is the site for volunteer recruits who may be eligible for the President’s Volunteer Service Award.

24. Consumerist

Writing six posts a day can often be demanding, but if you’re passionate about consumer policy, you’ll enjoy writing for The Consumerist.

25. Adobe Press

If you have any book ideas that you want to submit to Adobe, visit this site for more information. The giant software company is always looking for ideas.

26. Textile Design Booth

Web Design Booth invites guests and articles. The payment depends on the quality and acceptance of the article. See the site for details on topics and tips.

27. Muff Slap

Write about human humor and other topics at Muff Slap.

28. Who Publishing

The Pearson Publishing Company is more like a way to promote yourself through multiple formats. Writing to them could be a good foot in the door with a giant publishing company for a book deal later.

What do you think of this list? Who should submit these online publications before? Tell me about your experience with submitting or applying to these companies. I would like to hear your success-story”>success or rejection story.


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