33 Important Virtues for Everyone

Having more or less power for goods. There are virtues that people do, such as Socrates or Confucius, and it plays a big role in how society will remember you after your death. So when you read this, take it as carefully as you can…. Put these sample notes to use.

One of the most important virtues is purity. Purity is stained by sin or moral guilt. This is the most certain of the principal virtues, without which you can never acquire any other. Purity of heart turns the same colors in the middle of the desert when no one sees you.

Following purity we have greatness. He is usually of little reluctance, ready to take risks, and intent on good works. When you think of the great heroes of the middle ages and their nobility, think of what they would do in the face of danger and madness. Will they take the cheap way and leave the case? Or what is inherent in right and strength? This is what I want you to think of when I say great greatness. This feature is very idealistic to have and is something that many people search for their whole lives and never get. I find but if you can acquire this, you will be a man whom everyone looks up to.

Magnanimity leads to working with benevolence. Benevolence is the most important disposition to do good to others and to yourself. Magnificence is based on the fact that you want to take risks badly; yet with benevolence, you can only sustain a good intention… It is necessary to be pure, because without such a desire to do well, you cannot be uncorrupted by guilt. A benevolent mind, and a countenance of benevolence, take examples. Evil mind, evil face.

To be kind means not only the intention to do good, but also the desire and unconscious desire to do good. With this, you are naturally a kind and pleasant person whom everyone helps. Remembered as a person who was always pleasant and opened his door to strangers, he is the wish of all. But most of them end their days and hurt others to do what they want. If others do evil to you, do not seek revenge, but repay good for their evil;

Chastity… By having the purity of a human being through behavior and intention, no one is perfect, so that he is always working to be nice. But we can still seek to be as pure and good as possible. I know many people who intend to do good, yet they have done something wrong…that does not make them a fornicator or a bad person. Chastity is a generative force, which, when dissolved, destroys and makes impure, it makes us vegetate and inspires us with restraints. Chastity flourishes in man; and what are called Genius, Heroism, Sanctity, and the like, are but various fruits which succeed.

Every so often, I try to do something around the house to try to be nice. However, I could have done something slightly wrong…it doesn’t make me a bad person. I tried to do good and it just happened the opposite. People are still making a good effort to do something nice.

You must also be sincere in chastity. Sincerity is without pretense or deceit in manner or actions. If you want to always be kind and always “try” to do good, then you must also be sincere in your actions. Whatever the reason for the cheating, I still find it nice to be right. If a bully commits a fight at school, he doesn’t want to trick him into stupidity or hurt them. Return goodness for evil.

To be persuasive is to be believed; believable, believable; it must be believable, it must be true. Truth is something that many lack and should be embraced as moral justice.

This leads to the ability to be honest, which is so sought after. A wise biblical proverb says: “A good name is better than much wealth” (Prov 22:1). You have all your name and fame. When they’re gone, you’re broke. Wise people resist short-term gain tricks, because they know that honesty in uncovering big profits. On the other hand, if you take the easy way out and lie, you risk your reputation. Which do you prefer? A good name, or great riches? You keep your name after death, but you lose your wealth.

If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, do kindness. Piety is an extraordinary virtue that can bring and lead to happiness not only for you, but for everyone around you. It is a sympathetic awareness of the suffering of others together with a desire to alleviate it. It connects with the benevolent. Always help others to feel better and help them when they need help, because sometimes you will be helped… and it’s good to have someone there for you too. Not only that, but the feeling of helping others is phenomenal and cannot be described with any amount of words.

Through year of nursing school he gave us our quiz. I aspired through the questions until I read the last one: ‘What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?’ It was certainly a joke. I had seen the cleaning woman many times, but how did I know her name? I turned in my paper, leaving the last question blank. Before the class ended, one student asked if the last question counted toward our grades. “Absolutely,” said the professor. “In your career you meet many people. They are all significant. They deserve your attention and care, even if all you do is smile and say hello.” I have never forgotten that lesson. I also learned her name was Dorothy. ~Joann C. Jones

We must also care to be compassionate. Often a powerful touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, honest praise, or the smallest kindness of caring, all of which have the power to transform a life. I have a rule that I say at least one positive thing to every person I see. As silly as it may seem…it makes an incredible difference in people’s day. You will soon find that when they are near you, you are much happier. That with a few words you can make someone’s day a million times better. Honestly, I wish he told me something good about me several times a day. May it make me even a happier man.

Sensitivity It is important that a person be sincere and compassionate. It is the essence of awareness of self and others in the sphere of social and personal relationships. A light, tender, sensitive touch is worth tons. Imagine an open-hearted and sensitive person talking to you about something close to your heart, like the death of a parent. Now imagine talking about the same thing with someone who is equally compassionate but doesn’t have the empiric sense of feeling. They may care a lot, but they are unable to show you their emotions… and understanding emotions can mean everything to a friend.

The Meek virtue is also important to possess. Gentleness is freedom or detachment from all bitterness, harshness, or intensity. It feels like a soft summer breeze, or a soft touch on your shoulder. It was seen in the lake of softness, just like the delicate snow falling from the sky or the ugly sliding leaves. let’s flow through the earth in the autumn afternoon. It is heard in the soft voice of the shepherd singing to his sheep, the bridegroom whispers, “I love you” in the ear of his bed, or the soft stream of water over the rocks of the meadow. a stream Gentleness is a pleasant, easily prayed quality that invites warmth, comfort, and truth. Gentleness creates an environment that makes learning possible and living enjoyable. All those sharp, rough, battle-scarred lines have been removed.

First of all, we are born with a sinful nature. It is part of our history. Our brains are worn out in them from all the years we “walked according to the flesh” Our feet have so rolled through hard dung and mire, that, even after we are born again, we are often burdened with sin, or bound by a heavy burden. Living a hard, cruel life is a natural failure. He needs no thought, no training, no renewal of the mind. Meekness is a rare quality of many believers in their lives and homes, because we often still think and live as we did when we were ethnic. But it is not so.

In our sublimity, power-satisfied and in the face of the world, there will always be a quiet, calm and comforting voice that is worth listening to and making a difference. Meekness is one of the exceptional characteristics which the Lord uses in His children from others. It is “salt and light” that has the power to attract to the changing truth of life. I suspect that this is why those who present such things are so precious, so extraordinary, so gold or diamond… so like Jesus. They want our homes and churches and businesses – we need it. Learning and life become a delightful experience when gentleness is the rule of the day. Once you taste it, you’ll never want your old self again–and neither will anyone else.

But on the contrary, assertively must be done. Assertion stands for your right to be treated fairly. Expresses opinions, needs, and feelings without ignoring or harming the opinions, needs, and feelings of others. The qualities of assertiveness and gentleness need to be equal in order to have respect, peace and prosperity in life. A wise lives his life with a temperament of gentleness and assertiveness. Don’t mistake assertiveness for being irritable. The main difference between being positive and being aggressive is how our words and behavior affect our rights and well-being. others

The equal rights movement for African was certainly not an aggressive demand. But it was very assertive to listen and change. Changing something requires a certain level of assertiveness.

Patience is necessary to keep your assertion from becoming aggressive. It is a nice tolerance. Never irascible when opposed to idealists. If another group disagrees with you and fights for what you want, remember this: A tree can teach you patience and tolerance. It provides shade to everyone, regardless of age, gender or religion, nationality or status. Fruit and shade help even the enemy, Who lays the ax in the trunk. Remember the tree by which someone rises against what you want. Never deal with someone…

We must meet the abuser with patience. Human nature is so constituted that, if no anger or abuse is noticed at all, the person will soon indulge in it. get bored and stop. If the tyrant is mean to you, repay the hatred with true kindness. He will rest soon enough.

If we do not accept what we claim for, we must also have acceptance for what has been done. And sometimes circumstances, especially those that cannot be changed, are satisfactory. However, this does not mean that we always accept what is given to us. We are always changing. It is much better to understand everything as it is, than to persist in error, however satisfying and comforting. If we want to get rid of the law of gravity, maybe we just accept that we can’t. Not everything can be reconciled or changed, and part of being wise is knowing when to accept what we have and be happy.

As important as it is to be accepted, a person of high virtue must also be flexible. Men are born soft and tender; they died hard and hard. Plants are born tender and manageable; they are dead, brittle and dry. So whoever is rigid and inflexible is a disciple of death. He who is soft and yielding is a student of life. Hard and hard to break. Soft and soft will prevail. It is very difficult to become flexible. Over time, people are more strict with the time and how they act. Try to maintain youthful flexibility. As Lao-Tzu said very well: “There is nothing in the world more flexible and yielding than water. But when it invades the firm and strong, no one can resist, because he cannot change it in any way. Thus the flexible overcomes; the diamond, overcomes the strong to overcome the yielding.”

Committed to your decisions always early, but flexible in your approach early. When preparing to do a school project, it is a great idea to set times to work on it. However, if something else comes up that hinders your ability to work, maybe you need to be flexible and move the times a bit. The design is good, but I will balance the flexibility.

To be old; on the contrary, fortitude is necessary. It is the strength of the mind that makes it bear adversities bravely. You must have the strength to change your original plans and not regret. He is a true man who bravely overcomes the upheavals of life. He will not be afraid of adversity. He must face them with strength and overcome them. If you plan to make an hourly plan and at worst you will become ill, then don’t just give up and not make the plan. You won’t just push through the patients and make the project less than optimal. Don’t wallow in your misery, just use your time to work better.

If the grade in school is cheap for you in the hallway, don’t just be depressed and hurt by it. Be flexible… perhaps another mistake to find a site to avoid. Never give up your position.

People don’t start by asking for our ability, just our availability, and if we prove our dependability, we have the ability to increase our ability. Being faithful is the greatest virtue in life. But many people know that if you ask him to do something, he will not do it. In our life, we want to be such that when someone asks something for them, we are either honest and we can’t say or do.

We must also be trusting if we are faithful. No one wants to depend on someone they can’t trust to do the job right. You will be seen even more if you are faithful. A deceitful and abusive man needs all his long-term friends. A faithful person has many friends who are always there and take care of them. Faithful also means many other things…it teaches people that you are a good person…who lives by a set of morals and puts others before himself. If you are faithful, then all the other virtues you have will show.

To be a faithful friend and a faithful servant, you must have the wisdom to hold back. Wisdom is the combination of knowledge and experience with sense and common sense. Follow your instincts. This is where true wisdom manifests itself. Often, following your intuition/instinct is one of the best forms of common sense. Wisdom does not mean information in a text or a formula in math… experience, insight, insight. This is a life for people to learn, and many never have this opportunity.

A fool tells a woman to stop talking, but a wise man tells her that her mouth is most beautiful when her lips are closed. p*

A wise man must also have an understanding of what he knows and his life. Understanding is the comprehension and assimilation of knowledge. True understanding is almost impossible for any person, but the understanding of someone is a virtue that almost no one has.

In mathematics, it is not necessary to understand where the formula or method flows from. However, if you want to excel at what you know, it is useful to understand where it comes from, why it comes from it, how it works, even if it is a big time… you will get tired if you understand yourself. art is needed, he died for you.

If you have a strong understanding of art or life, never forget that you continue to wonder. Awe is an emotion aroused by the strange and the miraculous. Never lose your curiosity for new/unknown things. When you stop learning, you stop understanding, therefore you lose the ability to be wise.

If training in martial arts, no matter how much you focus on, you don’t have to wonder what, why, and how. If you do, you will lose interest in any art.

By zeal knowledge is obtained; knowledge perishes because of the unbelief of zeal. a man who knows the twofold way of gain and loss, should set himself in such a way that his knowledge may increase. Jealousy is the intense desire of the soul; Indefatigable devotion. This ties directly into the miracle continuum. Never lose your interest in anything. This is what keeps you alive and learning. Without passion in life you lack every other virtue. You cannot wish to have the virtues that I have written for you. Whatever you do, always have a zeal for life.

One reason many people lose their interest in any art form is their lack of motivation. It’s just as important to artists and people as it is when they started. Nothing gets old or boring.

Have zeal; yet without diligence give your study you lack the ability to learn. A man must practice all that he will, but only diligent practice leads to continual improvement. Diligence consists in the consciousness of being properly attentive to the task; giving levels of care in a given situation.

Sometimes I train myself and get into an “average workout” routine. I must therefore correct myself and focus on the training at hand. The more you focus on what is right and what you do wrong, the more you learn and improve. The hope of life depends on diligence; the mechanic, who is to complete his work, first sharpens his tools.

Ambition is a strong desire to do something or something. It is necessary to have the ambition before the diligence to do well to succeed. In the first place, because you have such a strong desire to have wisdom and knowledge of something that you want to work for a living. If you have the diligence to do well without the ambition, you will waste your time diligently.

Ambition is also very important to everything else in life. If through many years of diligence and ambition you gain wisdom and understanding, then you will be content where you are, then you will not go. Intelligence without ambition is a bird without feathers.

If you want the world to see your years with careful practice, then you must use wisdom. Use your ambition more strongly to go far in the world, and remember it after your life.

In all your training, however, never forget to keep your touch. It is touched upon in consideration of treating others and avoiding offense. It is more than common for an ambitious person to “rank” people as he climbs the ranks to higher knowledge. It’s easy to burden others in life, but make sure you don’t get offended by them. Even if you hate ethics laws.

If we are sincere and benevolent, we must make an effort to do so. Never hurt or offend anyone on the way through life. Always always always remember that there are others around you and don’t stop yourself from hurting them. But more than that skill is to do without the enemy.

This is where we have to discuss eloquence. Eloquence is a powerful and effective use of the Latin language. An eloquent, persuasive and articulate speech. Eloquence is the best way to get things done. This is where the truth becomes difficult. Many politicians have provocative language, but make sure you keep your speeches honest. Eloquence is what people do to you, and what they do to you; yet they are never abused by this virtue.

Speaking eloquently, many leaders have misused their skills and conduct wrongs. What we want with our speech is to make certain changes in society, to help others and to avoid harming others. He must have eloquence at all.

When speaking comes about others and their powers and rights. Reverence is the admiration of others. Treating people with dignity. Every person, regardless of origin, regardless of fortune, deserves respect. Each of us must respect others as ourselves. Even a bully who verbally attacks you in the courts deserves your wholehearted respect, because if you have some respect for people, you can be more effective in helping them become better.

One of my goals in life is to make others better. Not to make them better, but to help them help themselves to become the best their human body can be. Friend or foe, I respect and love everyone for who they are.

If you worship others, also be grateful that you know yourself. Grateful for the warmth, the grace of benevolence. It is good that you have; you will have more. If you focus on what you don’t have, you will never have enough.

I find that if you focus on negative things in life, you will become a darker and less productive person. However, if you focus on the positive in life, your spirits will be much brighter, and the richness of your life will be apparent. This is something that deserves a whole book to be written, but a brief description will have to do.

Be careful, however, if you are too grateful, and you always look at your strengths, then you become egoistic. Always lowly in the morning. Humble, modest; not arrogant or proud. You will find a humble person who is confident and wise. He who boasts is uncertain and lacking.

To avoid hurting others, I stay as humble as possible. How long I will destroy and take away these trophies of mine. And this may or may not be the end, but I can know that I do not live to find what I have earned by seeing hurt visitors. Boasting people tend to be secure and want positive reinforcement from others for their accomplishments, however if you are confident. therefore there is no reason to boast.

Believe in yourself! Believe in your talents! You cannot be happy or successful without a low but reasonable confidence in your power.

If you want to achieve the virtues that we have described you, you must have a lot of discipline. Discipline is the hallmark of good behavior and control. You will be able to developing-characters”>greatness of character by constant sobriety and self-control. Without it, you will achieve very little. To exercise these virtues, discipline I have never said these virtues are easy, indeed it is extremely rare to find any of them, if any.

Whenever you have some training and execution in these virtues in human nature, we begin to cease from our effect. In order to be successful, you need a great deal of sobriety so as not to lose your sense of fairness, humility and dedication. My purpose in life is to make you a better person than I was, or was, or will be. This list is just as spotty for improvement. So if you like, let’s make a practice sheet and incorporate these virtues into a way of life.

Never be too educated, yet always be creative with your life. creation is basically the ability to create. Quality involves the generation of new ideas or concepts, or new associations receptive between existing ideas or concepts. This is what many people lack even now. If there is anything I write for my children, please let it be creativity. It is essential to make a big difference and be happy in your life. Creativity is what makes you and not another person at the other end of the dinner table. How do you tell ants apart? You can’t… but then again, don’t they have individual ideas?

Sometimes you have to let it all go – clean yourself up. If you are miserable with someone. . . remove whatever depresses you. Because when you are free, you will find your true creativity, let the truth come out.

We are nearing the end of the list… these are the virtues that I hope you will have at the end of your life.

Tranquility… is very quiet and peaceful; fearless The calmer each one becomes, the greater is his affection, the more powerful is his power. The mind mind is among the gems of beautiful wisdom. My goal in life is to be perfectly calm … to achieve peace in my mind. and hence I believe that he came to peace only in old age. There is nothing that can distract you from meditation for peace of mind, you can accelerate the learning of the virtues. “The true spiritual progress of the aspirant is measured by the extent to which he attains inner peace.” -Swami Sivananda

And finally, one of the last and greatest of all virtues is with you. It is inner peace. to be silent I am not easily mistaken… I think the most important thing is to control the language; he comes nearest to the gods, who knows how to keep silent, even though he is right.

I have listed each power that I find important, and I hope to find a use for them. Even if you practiced for one year, you would be able to do every single one of their habits… I didn’t write this because I thought it was a “game”, I wrote this so that you, as a reader, could benefit from my thoughts and opinions. Even if you disagree. Thank you

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