4 Must-Have Vegetables for the Home Garden

The vegetable garden serves many purposes for me; which is most evident in putting fresh herbs on the table. After years of growing different types of vegetables, I’ve learned to value some herbs more based on how much space the plants need in the garden and their freezing or canning capabilities. The best vegetables for planting are also menus often used in dinner, it is worth the effort to continue the abundance. winter and spring and into the next harvest. A perfect vegetable garden has three characteristics. The garden contains plants that everyone in the house likes (no asparagus, for example, because I don’t like asparagus); it should contain plants that can or can be easily dried (drainage and green onions, for example, are best eaten fresh shortly after harvest); and more than one part of the fruit to clear the garden area (cabbage and cauliflower offer only one head per plant).


Tomatoes are at the top of the Susceptibility list because of their versatility. I use tomatoes to create a sauce or juice, or use them with soup or pasta recipes. The best thing about tomatoes is how easy it is to freeze them. Corefresh tomatoes and skin can be stored whole in freezer zip bags. How easy is it? In the winter I can pull a bag from the freezer and remove the number of tomatoes needed for the recipe. Choose tomato varieties that meet the needs of your party, such as tomato sauce, tomato paste or tomato soup.

green beans

The National Gardening Association agrees with me that pole green beans are a better choice for bush green beans. Because some varieties of pole beans grow up to 10 feet or more, plant more beans in a smaller area than a single bean bush , which can grow to 24 inches long. My preferred variety is Kentucky Surprise. You can freeze or freeze green beans.


Choose from two types of beans, or snap peas. To eat the shell pea, which is also called garden pea or Latina pea, the pea is removed from the pod. Snap peas, also known as snow peas or sugar peas, provide such a tender legume that you eat the legume and the pea together. I’ve tried both, although I’ll split the pea, the shell of the chickpea is bad. Shell peas are good in soup recipes or mixed with other vegetables such as carrots or corn. Pisa growing vines. Pea vines more than 2 feet long from the vines are beneficial.


It also takes up a lot of horizontal space in the zucchini garden, but the space is worth it. Chucked zucchini is full of health benefits like vitamin C, potassium, and fiber as in “A Few Quick Serving Ideas”, by Sally Barclays Iowa State University. Cool zucchini chunks in sandwich bags placed inside a large freezer zip bag. Then pull out a sandwich bag full of zucchini to use for soup recipes, stir-fry, or other zucchini recipes.

Source: “Watch Your Garden Grow-Pas,” University of Illinois Extension

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