5 Helpful House Cleaning Tips to Keep Your Home Looking Clean (Even when It’s Not)

If your house is like mine, there are certain periods of the day – well, let’s be honest – certain weeks of the month when you’re in better shape to keep your house clean than others.

I, on the other hand, dust regularly, vacuum more often, and install every day, but this little thing I call “raising two small children” seems to be standing in the way and I laugh mercilessly at my inner Martha Stewart. That being said, I have found a few cleaning tips clean to keep my perpetually dusty, dog-ridden apartment looking as clean as possible. Reduce to the outsider’s eye.

Many years ago, my grandmother’s sister-in-law shared with me her grandmother’s 3 rules for helping your house look clean even if it’s actually a little less than sparkling.

Here are her house cleaning tips:

1. wash and keep out of the sink.

2. Look at your bed.

3. Keep the leaves picked up.

While this is always the mind of me to know that my problem of maintaining cleaning-service”>cleaning-service is indeed old .one, I’m still surprised that the leaves were among the biggest problems of the day! So here’s my updated list of 5 ideas you can, um, keep your house clean and looking its best. .

My house cleaning tips are:

1. should be washed, or at least kept in the dishwasher.

2. Look at your bed. There is nothing in your room like a well-laid bed, and you deserve to fall into a cozy bed at the end of the day? Yes you do!

3. keep the bathroom clean. This is absolutely necessary for me to be cleared from all areas. If you are concerned about the cleanliness of any room in your house, let the bathroom be that room. Your guests will feel good, they will feel more comfortable in it, and you won’t have plenty of rust to catch and multiply in your shiny clean bathroom.

4. Keep the disorder under control. Spend 5 -10 minutes every day reading books, kid’s artwork, receipts, letters, etc. I’m not talking about kid kids. toys here – although once or twice a day 5 minutes I think the world-up with the help of the kids is useful. But a few random toys here and there only makes sense when you have children. Anyone visiting your home who is undressed by scattered toys is probably not going to do too well when the owners of those toys are actually aware of their presence (read: food spills, smelly diapers, anger management).

5. And perhaps the most important of all the rules I have for you, you will never, ever, excuse or admonish anything less than clean in your house. Smiling will greet your guests with open arms, and they tend to be more in your pleasant attire and less in your closet. No one (except your mother and mother-in-law) really notices if your shelves are dusted, your clothes are emptied, or the laundry is done – that is, unless you’re wearing the same shirt they saw you wearing. a href=”https://e-info.vn/tag/mexican-restaurants”>Mexican restaurant the other night intact with the red blob of salt still on the front. This did not happen to me. I’m just saying.

Therefore, try to implement these 5 tips for a clean house “deception” in your daily life during those times when cleaning the internet. it gets in the way for other priorities, say as having a life, and you can either start to refer to yourself as a domestic diva, or at least a great magician.

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