5 Home Made Cat Toys

I have been a cat lover and cat owner all my life and it never ceases to amaze me how much money can be spent on cat toys! There is no reason to buy another cat toy again, because cats will have fun with anything they can get their hands on or crawl in and out of. I’m here to present five common toys that are sure to keep your pup busy with hours of joy!

1.) Paper bag

A paper bag can bring wonderful hours of entertainment to your cat because they love to climb and hide things inside. You can also try putting small bottles inside a bag (plastic bottle boxes, wrapped paper balls, etc.) instead of them running and gnats Often times it’s just the crinkly sound the bag makes when they jump and scratch at what attracts them.
**Safety tip: If you use a large paper bag from the grocery store, be sure to cut the ears off the top to prevent your cat the head is found among them.

2.) Cardboard box

Most of us have at least one of these lying around the house, or if not, a great shoe can be substituted. Like a bag of sheets, your cat love to run and crawl into the box and jump in and out. You can interact a lot with your cat while they are playing in the box by scratching the side of the box or tapping their fingers. Most likely jump and knock near your fingers, but free your fingers! Cats also love when you hang toys from the top of the box or throw them inside and outside. After playtime, put the blanket inside the crate and let your puppy take a long nap. If your cat sheds its fur in the box, it will be much easier to clean and dispose of than shedding all over your bed or bedding.
**Safety Tip: Be sure to remove any tape, staples, or other hidden hazards from the box before allowing your cat to play because these can cause suffocation.

3.) Toilet paper rolls

Instead of throwing away your toilet-paper rolls, why not use them to recycle cat toys? Since these are smaller, they can easily grasp and hold cats between the hands. My cats enjoy rolling around on the floor with them, biting and scratching the paper. Even if cats catebra can bite them, the rolls hold quite well and do not leave the paper. your whole house in pieces. The best part is, when they start to tear, you can quickly repair them!

4.) Empty plastic bottles

For this game, I recommend using a small 12-24 oz. the size of the plastic container that was cleaned. Also, make sure that any plastic labels are removed from the outside of the bottle to prevent accidental suffocation. Plastic bottles can rattle so you might want to leave them lying around at night. although cats love how they roll across the floor. You can stand them straight and watch your cat try to knock them over, or run and slide into them as they slide across a flat surface.

5.) Plastic bottle-caps, ligatures or feathers or old hair, or anything that can be tied to a stock or move. by area

I have seen several pet stores similar types of toys that hang from a wire or pole. It’s much more fun to have a personal toy for your cat, because some cats provide other cats with tricks, and you’ll be good luck money! Once you have acquired the string item, you can tie it from the door or anywhere you don’t mind your cat. Jumping and anointing for fun. If you want to make the toy more attractive to your cat, you can tie a small ringing bell or a bag of nettles next to it.


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