6 Great Stress Relievers to Help Boost Your Mood

Everyone experiences stress once in a while. Children, work, school, pregnancy, marriage, family; Doing any of these things can often be stressful. Fortunately, there are safe and sound ways to relieve stress. Here are my favorite strategies for getting through those inevitable stressful situations.

Take a bath-

Light some lamps, put on some music, pour some bubble-bath”>bubble-bath and a glass of wine or grape juice. Infuse yourself (for non-drinkers). This method has always worked for me to relieve tension. Not only does a long soak in a nice bath help me relax and make me feel better, it’s also a great pain reliever /a>. Some stressful situations lead to body aches and headaches, and a hot bath is a great place to relieve traditional pain relievers.


You can think things through and often all you need to do is depend on your level. Even if it’s just a short walk around the block, exercise and fresh air can help a lot. This is ideal for the spring, summer and fall months. Cold and warm weather is more pleasant to walk and the smell of spring flowers and chirping birds in spring and summer is a sure way to run.

Talk about it-

Sit with your partner over a cup of coffee at the kitchen table; or wake up your brother and friend; They will drop by their parents’ house for a quick chat. Whoever you choose to talk to, you’ll feel better at the end of what you’ve gotten off your chest.

Watch a funny movie-

Great comedy can put anyone in a good mood. Head to your local Blockbuster store and pick up your favorite Jim Carrey or Will Farrell rap. Spend an hour with one of these guys and you’ll forget about all your stressful days.


This is one thing that has always helped me through stressful times. Writing a journal or just writing when you’re feeling down is a lifesaver when dealing with stress. Once you have put your thoughts and thoughts on paper, you will feel a great weight lifted off your shoulders. .

Play with your kids-

Any parent knows that a child’s smile can shine hope and joy in the worst of circumstances. Take your kids (or if you don’t have kids, a niece or nephew, a relative, friends kids , etc) in a game in a public park or a zoo. Play hopscotch on the driveway. set up a board game at the kitchen table. Or just get down on the ground and hunt. Acting childish will take you back to the days when you didn’t care much about anything other than boo-boo and being scolded by your parents.

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