6 Reasons Not to Go on a Diet + 2 Simple Ways to Still Lose Weight

Do you know the definition of diet?

The definition – on a diet – is to make a regime of eating and drinking sparingly to reduce weight (Merriam Webster, 2010).

Spare? What, that just sounds awful. Spare anything spare. Not of course when it comes to food. I’m not that voracious, but I do enjoy good food.

If you’ve ever been on a diet (as defined above), you know how difficult a diet is – both during and after you’ve been on a diet. But imagine if the next time you want to lose weight, you also decide that you simply he was not going to be on the diet.

Sounds easy, right? You want to lose weight and I say you must not go on a diet. Well, that last part is disturbing. Let me see if I can find you how you can lose weight without a diet .

6 Reasons Not to Progress on a Diet:

(1) According to the dictionary it is only permissible to eat and give them sparingly in your diet (eg, carefully. sparingly, sparingly, a little , etc.

(2) Progressing in diet means finally coming to diet. Can you do this without but losing all that weight you worked so hard to lose? Not if you go back to your old eating habits – gain weight too maybe again around.

(3) Being on a diet often means depriving yourself of good and good foods. . Whether you’re low carb, low fat, or just put sweets off your menu, you tell yourself you can’t have them because you’re “on a diet.” This way of thinking can cause diet failure faster than you can say: “Fettuccine Alfredo”, or “How about another piece of double chocolate fudge a> bed, yum.

(4) Proceeding in the apartment is often the occasion of the monument. It can be a whole week or more of festivities that last up to Day one of your diet. These pre-victory celebrations may include (but are not limited to) excessive eating and drinking; avoiding any kind of exercise – if you have a perfectly good child (or more) you can simply make (him, her, or them) do your bidding; and every day he talks about how well you are going to do on this diet.

(5) Going on a diet means that if you go on a diet once while making a mistake, then you have to fail the whole diet and start again (starting with reason #4 to not go on a diet).

(6) Going on a diet will not help you achieve your weight loss goals. You want to lose weight and keep it off, right? If you answered correctly, then you can enter diet at diet is not going to do to you

You can’t completely change the way you eat (or for a short time) and expect that you can once go back to eating “normally” weight loss hold

So what do you do now? Do you still want to lose that weight? And now there is no need to go to the apartment; What is a man to do?

2 Easy Ways Not to Diet And still lose weight:

(1) Get rid of your mind.

(2) Change lifestyle.

Change your mind about how you look at diet. You don’t want diet. You want to become healthy. You want to lose weight and keep it off; but more than that you want to improve your health, which will only prolong your life – a new health life

Now you have changed your opinion about that diet you must change your life. You need to decide now is the time to start your diet, get exercise, and get a whole new establish a life

You want to live, not die, right?

Bottom line:

Until you realize that you have to change the way you think about diet – choosing instead of health – choosing not to shed weight and keep it off.

So take it from someone who spent years and years on one diet or another and has now started a new life plan. I am not on a diet at this time; I changed my mind and my way of life; and now I am well. Having lost 12.6 pounds and 16.5 inches in just one month assured me that I was going to love my new life.

And you can too. Live healthy: mind, body, and spirit; and de- I wonder what not is going on with the diet< /a > can do it for you. Good luck in all your endeavors!


Merriam Webster

Personal (That one month of not going on a diet made me)

*Stay updated about my personal Sanweight loss journey – Lose the Fat Bean keep my 52 weeks to health – Please visit AskSanAnything on YouTube and learn how you can become healthy.

**To find out the 3 best ways to avoid dieting and still lose please read: 3 Best Tips for Your Weight Loss Success< /a>.

***And please live 42 habits for a healthy life: Mind, Body, and Spirit. Quick Reference Guide. Legendary is a guide to some of the best weight loss tips, success stories, and other health related articles on the internet; written by the very wonderful AC writers and frequently updated. Enjoy!


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