7 Natural Headache Remedies

For an attack of pain, pressure, tension, it is easy to run to the medicine cabinet and swallow a few poultices to relieve the pain. But what about natural headache remedies? Here are 7 ways to naturally relieve or even prevent headache head.

Natural drink water. This could be the trick and the simplest headache remedy. However, if the headache is getting worse for a while, water probably won’t be an immediate remedy. But the pain subsides within an hour. Dehydration is sometimes the cause of a headache, so drinking enough fluids can help prevent the pain.

Natural Headache Remedy #2: Pressure Points

Begin by gently pressing your temples, and hang in circles minute by minute. Make your way between the eyebrows as well as over the bridge of your nose. Massage this area for 30 seconds.

Go down the back of your neck to the base of your skull. Place your thumbs on either side of your spinal cord, press up on this area, and lean your head back. Hold this for two minutes.

If the headache has not yet subsided, another good pressure point is the lubrication point between the thumb and forefinger, near the bone. Using the thumb and index finger of the opposite hand, express this. If you squeeze the right spot, you will feel a nerve and some pressure. Squeeze each hand for one minute.

Finally, bow to your feet. Using your thumb, press down on the area between your thumb and second toe. Rub this place for one minute on each foot.

Natural Headache Remedy #3: Exercise

Regular exercise is great for pain relief. Exercise releases endorphins, which is the body’s natural ANODYNON. Incorporate exercise into your daily routine and the incidence of headaches should decrease. However, if you are experiencing headache, try jogging instead, you do others doing jumping jacks or quick crunches. This might release enough endorphins to calm the headache.

Natural Headache Remedy #4: Lavender Essential Oil

This is an excellent nerve medicine, and is commonly used in aromatherapy. It is said to relieve pain and decrease stress. Massage just a few drops into your temples and forehead. A study published in Numsing Times shows that there is a 50 percent reduction in pain after lavender oil< /a> massage.

Natural Scalp Remedy #5: Butterbur

This herb is used to treat migraines, headaches, insomnia, stomach pain, and anxiety. Make sure the label says certified and “PA-free.”

Natural Headache Remedy #6: Fever

This is another herb that helps with migraine pain. Unfortunately, there have been a few poorly conducted studies on the effectiveness of a few fevers. Some people swear by it, but there is no scientific study to confirm it 100% yet. But many scientists say that fevers work.

Natural Headache Remedy #7: Magnesium

Magnesium citrate supplements can help someone who has frequent back pain. Magnesium helps to relieve muscle tension, reducing headaches.

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