8 Steps of Mold Remediation Series: Step # 3 – Mold Removal Process Begins

Whether in Genoa, or in any other state, once they are placed in their own possessions, the process of formal removal can begin. This can be as simple as source removal for small areas of contamination or as complex as spraying equipment for larger areas of contamination. An industrial hygienist or perhaps a contractor will typically determine the best approach based on industry standards.

The protocol depends on the extent of the damage to your home or business; for example, if the mold separates at the foot of the drywall section and no airborne spores are raised, spring removal is appropriate. Source removal involves creating a small containment out of plastic sheeting, setting up negative air in the area, removing impacted material (drywall in this case as well as insulation if present), HEPA vacuuming/striking wire/wet wiping surfaces and perhaps once everything is cleaned and using an immune infection as a clear form of evidence to reveal the hidden. If the same true but fugitive mold-sporae mission traveled and settled in other places, it would require hygiene. cleaning (HEPA Vacuuming/ Damp Wiping) of the other areas in question in addition to the above steps to remove the risk of exposure from spores.

In situations where a heavy form of growth is present in the pile, it will almost always require a HEPA vacuum to remove the surface growth followed by aggressive removal by dry ice blasting, sandblasting, soda blasting, wire hammering or some other abrading technique. It is critical to have good controls in place to prevent this type of removal from cross-contamination and it is equally critical to perform an intensive cleaning after these techniques to remove fragments and spores that have been moved or removed from surfaces. Both removal methods have merit, although blasting ice over a large dry area is the most effective due to heavy growth. to the cleanliness of the process and its ability to penetrate the holes, unless the medium forces the penetrations. Dry ice dissolves completely, leaving behind no mess unlike blasting soda and other tools. However, dry ice is slightly more expensive and also generates C02 requiring operators to adequately ventilate the area or use an air supply. The advantage of blasting is that you remove structural growth and not just spores or surface forms. Many companies clean and simply paint the wood to cover up their white sins and never really clean or adequately remove mold growth. If you’re paying a large sum of money for remediation, you’re getting a job done right. Do not allow the white coat or, if you do, have it tested by a 3rd party certified industrial hygienist to be clean first.

In any mold remediation drawing in Maine or in any other state proper cleaning, cleaning and Plus Purgato is the key. We will write about this in detail in the near future.

To review mold removal steps #1 and #2 visit our Maine Mold Removal & Cleaning Services Blog here.


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