Our immune systems are made up of blood cells, bone marrow, and antibodies that help recognize and destroy viruses, parasites, bacteria, and fungi that try to attack us every day. Your defenses can be weakened during the winter, so that our poor weather can ease, exercise less and take food and eat larger meals at other times of the year due to stress, anxiety and generally run away. The strength of our immune system determines our ability to resist daily attacks and protect us from the growth of abnormal cells. Symptoms of a lowered immune system include dry skin, headaches, fatigue, aches and pains, weight imbalance, disturbed sleep patterns of illness. Here are 10 ways to help boost your immune system:
1. Get enough sleep
Sleep Researchers in Germany vaccinate volunteers against hepatitis infection divided them. the two groups were kept awake for 24 hours in the second group, in order to ensure that one group had plenty of sleep. Four weeks later, the well-rested group had almost twice the level of antibody as the sleeping group and showed a much stronger immune response to the vaccine. Most adults need sleep an average of seven to eight hours a night.
2 – Avoid Over-Processed Foods
Plus-processed citizens are energy predators that can add toxins to your body. Avoid eating too much, and opt for healthier eating, drinking alcohol in moderation, ventilating our homes and keeping the dust down. dree will contribute to a healthier environment.
3 – Drink Water
Our bodies lose three liters of water every day through urine, sweat and breathing. A small amount of fluid in in our body prevents the efficient operation of the blood and lymphatic systems which reduce energy and strength. contributes to a lazy feeling. Eight to ten glasses a day is recommended.
4 – Reduce stress
Be sure to clearly identify the stressors in your life and try is the best big or to remove it altogether. Stress puts our body into fight or flight mode, which it puts on for a long time. filter our systems with constant repair.
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Nicotine contains 4,000 chemicals that are among the 60 known cancer-causing agents. Smoking directly affects our respiratory system, which leads to cough immune system starts to improve after 30 days.
6 – Reduce the use of antibiotics
Antibiotics can fight infections and depressed your immune system if used for a long time. It is more beneficial to eat healing, herbal medicines, fresh air abundance and positive attitude towards your mind. life Try some complementary therapies that work to release trapped energy in the body. This misguided energy leads to physical ailments especially if you have a stressful lifestyle.
7 – Be active
Go for a 30 minute walk every day and this alone will provide you with more energy, increase your metabolism, expand your heart, and benefit your lung and bowel functions immune system
8 – Laughter – The best medicine
Positive emotions greatly boost your immune system. It has been proven at the University of California School of Medicine that laughter is good for you and strengthens the body’s infection-fighting T-cells.
So, now you have eight easy steps to start slowly and introduce a new daily or weekly. and finally you will feel fit and energetic.