Natural Remedies for Bruises and Sprains

Natural Remedies for Bruises and Sprains

How to treat bruises and sprains naturally using vitamins, herbs and other home remedies.

Inevitably, everyone ends up with bruises and sprains now and then. Generally, these injuries are no more than an inconvenience, however sometimes they are severe enough to be quite painful and can hinder you from performing your everyday tasks. Here are a few natural remedies for bruises and sprains that will help to get you back on your feet quickly.


Whether your a football player taking a hard hit, or a mother with exuberant children, everyone is going to end up with a bruise now and then. Bruises can also be caused by a variety of illnesses including anemia, malnutrition, and leukemia. Other causes of bruising can include obesity, heavy smoking, menstruation and the use of anti-clotting medication. If you find yourself bruising too easily, you should visit your family physician to see if there is an underlying cause. However for you everyday average bruiser who may have just taken a good bump, here are a few vitamin supplements that can help you heal your bruises naturally.

Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids- this not only helps heal bruising, but helps to prevent it as well by supplying oxygen to your injured cells and strengthening your capillary walls.

Vitamin K or Alfalfa tablets- These are necessary for proper blood clotting which helps you to heal faster.

Coenzyme Q-10- CO Q-10 is essential for the construction of your bodies cells, as well as the reconstruction of damaged body cells.

Vitamin D + Calcium & Magnesium- These vitamins are necessary for blood cell formation.

Vitamin E- This is necessary for healthy skin, and also helps to improve circulation in your body tissues.

Additionally, if you injure a part of your body and fear bruising, you should immediately apply ice or a cold pack to the injured area and leave it in place for at least 30 minutes to help minimize bruising.


Sprains and strains can occur from some of the oddest activities. Sprains and strains occur when a muscle is stretched or stressed beyond its capability. This can happen by simply moving the wrong way, using muscles for prolonged periods of time, using muscles that you do not frequently use or not stretching properly before performing an activity. If pain is severe, you should consult your physician to make sure you have not sustained a major injury such as torn muscles or ligaments. However if the injury is mild, you can treat your sprain or strain naturally, using some of these home remedies.

Calcium- Calcium is essential for our bodies. Calcium is not only needed for healthy bone structure, but also helps our bodies to repair connective tissues and ligaments.

Essential Fatty Acids- While we often think of fat as a bad thing, these fatty acids are good for us, helping to promote optimum cellular and cardiovascular health. EFA’s also help to speed up the healing and recovery process.

Grape Seed Extract- This herbal supplement is wonderful for many minor injuries, as it is a natural anti-inflammatory.

Potassium- Potassium is absolutely vital for proper tissue repair in our bodies.

There are other natural treatments that can be used to treat a sprain or strain as well. Initially, once an injury occurs, you should apply ice or a cold pack to the injured area. You should never use heat as your initial treatment. Once you have began your cold therapy, you can alternate between cold and hot treatments every twenty minutes to help relieve pain and swelling.

Poultices can be made from a variety of herbs that can help reduce pain and swelling and speed healing. A poultice made from Goldenseal are an excellent way to reduce inflammation. Mustard poultices can help relax your muscles and are also a good way to reduce swelling. Once you have began your hot/cold treatments, you can mix a small amount of turmeric with a little hot water and make a paste. Apply this paste to the injured area and then cover lightly with a gauze dressing. This will help to reduce any swelling and bruising to the area.

Most of the bruises and sprains that we obtain from day to day can easily be treated at home using any of these home remedies. However, if the injury is intense, causing severe pain or immobility you should immediately seek medical attention from a physician.

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