Rare Types of Cervical Cancer

While there are many rare forms of cancer of the cervix, the vast majority of cervical cancer cases are found on the epithelium. These are the cells that are on the surface of the cervix and cover the connective tissue that comprises the bulk of the cervix. Cancer of the epithelial cells, while being most common, is also the most treatable, and treatment in cases which are detected early result in a survival rate of nearly 99%. It is for this reason that annual exams and pap smears are vital. The success rate for the treatment of cervical cancer drops rapidly if detection is delayed. While these statistics are for the most common cause of cervical cancer, there are also several other cancers that can grow in the cervix that have much different characteristics.

1. Cervical sarcoma is seen in less than five of every thousand cervical cancers. Sarcomas are cancerous tumors that grow in the inside of the cervix rather than on the surface. This type of cancer can be removed by surgery if detected early, but later stages of this cancer require a combination of surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

2. Neuroendocrinecervical cancer is very rare, and found in about three in every thousand cervical cancer patients. A small cell variety exists that resembles small cell cancer of the lung. It accounts for fewer than 3% of all cervical cancers. Early stages may be treated with surgery and/or radiation. Even if detected early, the survival rate for this type of cancer is not very high. This type of cancer is found in the nerve cells that supply messaging to the cervix and is often not detected until late stages of development.

3. Melanoma – is often the result of a secondary cancer that has moved through the bloodstream or lymphatic system and grows in the cervix. This type of cancer is most often seen in older women and the success rate of surgery (the preferred treatment) is not very high.

4 Adenoid carcinomas – There are two different forms of this cancer, and the prognosis is very different. Adenoid cystic carinoma grows much faster and tends to spread to other parts of the body. Because of this, the prognosis, even with treatment is not very good. Adenoid basal carcinoma is the more common of the two, and is highly treatable with a good prognosis.

While there are many rare forms of cancer, the majority of cervical cancer comes from the epithelial cells of the cervix and is detectable very early with a pap smear. The other more rare forms of cervical cancer can sometimes be detected during a yearly exam, but usually are only detected with symptoms occur such as abnormal vaginal bleeding or pain in the lower abdomen. Like most cancers, the prognosis is often much better when detected early, so seek a physician´s examination at the first signs of symptoms of any of these cancers.

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