How to Remove the Facebook Virus

The facebook virus has infected many computers and no one has found a fix until now. Most websites recommend restoring your computer, but I will show you how to remove the facebook virus without losing any of your information.

The first thing that you should do is change your password to facebook on a different computer. The facebook virus steals your login information and logs into your account. Next, the virus sends the same email that you opened to all of your friends, so that it appears that the message is coming from you. Once you change your password, the virus will not be able to log into your account.

If your computer is constantly freezing while it is trying to start up, then you will have to hold in the power button on your computer for five seconds. This will turn off your computer and allow you to restart your computer. You may have to do this up to ten times before your computer will actually load windows. You may also try starting your computer in safe mode by pressing the F8 key while your computer starts up. The option “Safe mode with networking” will allow you to access the internet, but some programs will not run in safe mode.

Once windows has loaded, you will want to download the programs that I am about to mention, update the programs, and then disable your internet connection. The facebook virus uses your internet connection to download additional viruses, so you do not want your internet connection on for a long time. You may disable your internet connection by going to the control panel, clicking on network connections, and then right-click on the local area connection and select disable. If you want to re-enable the connection, do the same thing, but click on enable instead of disable.

While your internet connection is enabled, you will need to download a program called combofix, which is a program that removes rootkits. The information to install and run the program are located here. This program will take a while to run and will clean and remove most of the files that were infected by the facebook virus.

You will also need to download a program called malwarebytes anti-malware, which is a program that removes malware. After you download and install the program, make sure that you update the definitions. Perform a quick scan and remove anything that it finds. This program will remove more of the files that were infected by the facebook virus.

These two programs will remove the facebook virus itself, but the problem is that the facebook virus uses your internet connection to download more viruses. You can find more virus removal software in the article that I wrote entitled “Remove Viruses and Spyware for Free.” You can remove the remaining viruses caused by the facebook viruses by using a combination of these programs.

Once you have downloaded a few of these programs, you should update the definitions and then run the programs in safe mode. You can access safe mode by pressing the F8 key when your computer is starting up and then selecting safe mode. Run as many programs as you can in safe mode and then restart your computer. Once your computer is restarted, you should run a few online virus scans to make sure that everything has been removed from your computer.

If nothing is detected with the online virus scans, then you have removed the facebook virus. If there is anything that you can not remove, then try running combofix and malwarebytes anti-malware again. If these programs do not remove a specific file, then type the name of the file into google for further instructions on how to remove that specific file. Once your computer is clean, make sure not to open any messages that seem strange or you could end up with another virus similar to the facebook virus.


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