Today, when I came across the amazing news story about those who ran in Papua, Indonesia, barred from serving in the police force because of an enlarged penis, I laughed like an immature school girl. There were several reasons why this news story stirred my libido, and not it was because I needed male enhancement treatment!
First, the capital police in Papua, Indonesia cited that the main reason for not allowing men to grow beards and enlist in the police force was because bigger beards would get in the way of their duties. Seriously, how much more can a penis get in the way than an arm or a leg? How big of a brain are we talking about here? At what point does the capital police say, “Drop your pants, I think you’ve won the greatest chin belt”? Do you have a ticket or a ticket for a great deal? Is this finding publicly available?
The second concern was that Indonesian men spread their genitals by wrapping leaves from the “gatal-gatal” (scalp) tree, causing allergic reactions. Who was the famous Indonesian man who discovered that anaphylactic leaves give people mild anaphylactic reactions? You would think that this reaction would be harmful and possibly fatal. It probably won’t last long. In either case, the “benefits” do not outweigh the lethal side of the emotions. They have a drug practice in Indonesia warning parents about finding “gatal-gatal” (scabies) tree leaves in their teenage boys rooms ? Let them consult! This could be a really horrible and long lasting fad or crazy!
This leads me to a related concern, which I really didn’t have a clue of until now. How many other “scams” about penis enlargements are there? What wicked and lost men go to increase manhood?
According to the MayoClinic, the average penis measures between 3 and 4 inches (7.6 to 10.2 centimeters) when not erect (flabby) and between 5 and 7 (12.7 to 17.8) inches when erect. A penis is only considered abnormally small if it measures less than 3 inches (7.6cm) erect, a condition called micropenis.
Contrary to popular belief, women don’t care about plus size unless it’s normal. a large sheath, in which case it is not the man’s fault. Most women are in pain for the collar to bump into their neck, which is typical when the collar is more clean.
Many companies advertise their penis enlargement products with legitimate looking websites and commercials, attracting people to buy and sell these products without hesitation. It is a better idea to get counseling or talk to your partner, as complaints about penis size are probably not the only issue in the relationship! There is no scientific knowledge that penis enlargement works.
This is why.
* Manual Expressing Techniques: (not masturbation!) systematic expression of blood from the bottom of the colon to its tip in order to obtain more blood flow to the colon. It is proven to lead to scarring, distorted penises, especially in an erect position, and significant pain.
* Extended Weights: I believe even a dumb bell has a bell! One simply wears a weight attached to the penis all day, hoping that gravity and stretching will generate more. I don’t know about you, but doesn’t this method seem like a very obvious log to implement? When do you think you will do this? I think that a person needs this for many times, but work and family prevent this from happening (Imagination in the notebooks why I will fill).
*Vacuum pumps: like a milking pump, the man sits there and warms the male organ with the vacuum pump tirelessly and for a long time during the day. wow This does wonders for a person’s social, family and work life! Again, very impractical, even for pain, scars, personal deformity, curved penis, lumpy erect penis, and difficulty dealing with things. He won’t thank you!
* Pills And Lotions: Who wouldn’t be dumb enough to believe that rubbing cream would grow on a part of the body? We are not lizards that grow body parts! If it’s true it’s usually too good. Having said that, most everyone will get, it is reckless from these production and maybe some small breasts gems. . Side feelings aren’t worth it.
* Surgery: very controversial and definitely not supported by the American Urological Association, Society According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), surgery also has a non-beautiful side. In general, the suspensory ligament (see attached photo) is separated, making the collar more low. The penis does not increase in growth or size. Sometimes the fat from a man’s hips was thrown into the shoulder of a man. This in turn leads to a dysfunctional and tortuous colon, withered and almost oddly shaped, and erectile dysfunction.
The methods agreed upon and preferred by most of the doctors and teachers in the field are as follows:
* shave your pubes: the abundance of hair makes many small pennies. A “manscape” in the middle of your section is also preferred by most women.
*Lose your belly: that big belly slapping across your genitals or scrotum definitely makes your scrotum look small!
* consult: having complaints in the bedroom, or penis can be small. a sign of mental health problems (depression also does not work properly), or marital difficulties.
Please, as I advise, do not resort to measures that will permanently scar, trouble, or even eat away. Many people in Indonesia now have the rightnt to be older in the lower countries, they are only affecting the damage side of the disaster!