The Industrial Revolution and Urbanization

One of the most lasting and serious impacts of the industrial revolution, which took place from the end of the 18th century to the beginning of the 20th century, was the influx of population from rural areas to the cities in the process. to be proper “urbanization”. Urbanization has come to have a profound effect on the daily lives of individuals who have found themselves forced into the position of having to adapt their lives to their personal lives in the larger cities. Moreover, these, too, found themselves with a new dependence on the duties which they had been accustomed to provide for themselves. The sometimes-convenient supplies of lead and fresh water did not provide these services at all. Because of this sudden and excessive growth, and the depression that arose from it, urbanization also took place in the economy and the whole they were shaken. systems of government of developing countries.

Before the industrial-revolution took hold in England, the majority of people lived in rural areas. Unexpectedly, the population of the towns would explode during the 19th-century from 16% to 54%. Until now, the government’s response to civil services in cities has been based on the laissez-faire (lazy, is a more appropriate description) idea of ​​leaving people to their own devices. Because most citizens lived in agricultural areas that needed transportation, water, and sanitation, they did not consider government interference necessary. Clearly, long-term myopia was as endemic to government policy then as it is now. The sudden and overwhelming influx of the people into the narrow, centralized place of government was forced to reconsider this mode of government. With the construction of factories and the housing of workers sent to those factories, the cities were faced with new discoveries and the critical need to organize sewage plans, infrastructure and road working conditions for men, women and even—perhaps especially—children, and even though the time of pollution and environmental and ecological abuse that seems to be rising up and biting us in the game big time, we must also admit that one of the driving forces behind the development and modernization of public transport was education and health care.

Because of people moving into a central location from all parts of the nation, cultural distinctions that had developed over centuries across geographic boundaries began to blend. The ruin of the definition of a cultural people, which was defined by historical and geographical circumstances, created a new collective work. expresses This human drive to belong to the society and the tribe is egregiously exploited by the trade syndicates. The mechanization of industrial society had created a new type of wage earner. The new-inhabitant of the city quickly found himself forced to become a low-paid, overworked factory worker who found himself entirely dependent on the business of the business. Since citizens in rural and agricultural regions were politically as well as geographically distant from those significantly impacted by large social movements, the migration to the cities acted impersonally, as citizens seeking a new identity in a humanizing atmosphere in which they found themselves much more open. step by step ideas In a way, one impact of the industrial revolution in the cities was the creation of a more distinct and visible order, which eventually resulted in socialist revolutions around the world.

The industrial revolution led to significant changes in all aspects of life, which included accelerated growth in cities, which also brought about various changes in the social, economic and political lives of people. Another effect of the industrial revolution was that the social, economic and political leaders of the nation had to abandon their laissez faire attitudes in order to provide services. which were not deigned to be employed to increase wealth. The ironic – and without a doubt the least anticipated effect of the industrial revolution by its mechanical capitalists – revealed that the distribution of wealth under the new capitalist structure was clearly unfair, another revolution would arise: the communist revolution.

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