Blister Care and Prevention

Have you experienced this? Your feet feel hot and humid inside in that new pair of hiking boots, but you have enough room to rest before you do. You ignore your pain until you start limping. It is too late. You have developed a blister.

Or maybe the first day of spring yard work finds you using a push mower to cut the grass or loppers to trim some overgrown branches. Your work wasn’t very long, but now your flesh is caught in places where the hardware is squishy to the touch. This is also a blister.

Pimples, also called blisters, are ways of protecting the skin layer from bacteria. A blister is a layer of skin that rides on top of the watery body fluids. But if he remained, he would heal himself, because the fluids would reabsorb into the tissues around him.

How to treat a blister? If the blister is in an awkward place where it is likely to pop, you can prick yourself. For this, a sterile instrument such as a needle and the base of the blister should be pierced in a few places. Do not peel the skin; you don’t want a large substrate surface area to come into contact with the seeds. Once the base has been punctured, gently depress the piece of tissue with a sterile drain. Use soap and water to clean the area thoroughly, apply a thin layer of antibiotic ointment, and cover with another dry sterile towel. Until the blisters heal, the pad should be cleaned and changed regularly. Signs of infection are yellow pus or liquid discharge, red lines, or a ‘warm feeling’ around the wound. If these signs are observed, the doctor will examine the pustular skin.

Of course, the best remedy for pimples is to prevent them from forming in the first place. When from heat, moisture, or friction, whatever protects the hands and feet from these conditions is to be had. When you are doing yard work or using scissors for a long time, work wear suitable work gloves.

Before you wear your shoes for hours on end, make sure you break them in. Halfway through a marathon or hike is the worst time to discover that your feet have developed friction hot spots from your shoes. Its size and width are characteristic. Would you rather be comfortable or stylish? Afternoon is the best time to go shoe shopping. This is when your feet swell to their maximum size. Try on both barefoot and walk around the store in them. Did they feel comfortable-walking-shoes”>comfortable for walking or were there places (such as through the top or the heel ) what seemed to rub off?

keep your feet dry, pay attention to your socks. Remember that polyester or acrylic is preferable to cotton or wool. Some of the more expensive stockings are made especially for the moisture of the linen of the feet. If you run or hike quite a bit, these are well worth the investment. Petroleum jelly powder or applied to the feet are also good preventatives.

Keep in mind that the best treatment for blisters is to prevent them from starting before the blistering action begins.

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