Not so long ago, I could ride my bike 10 miles a day, or walk 4 miles and not feel bad. Unfortunately, my life has changed, and I can no longer do this, unless I want to suffer the severe punishment of leg cramps, which I have recently almost convinced myself would be preferable to death.
Of course, with all the trade around P.A.D. (Peripheral Artery Disease) aired on TV these days, my first thought was the problem due to P.A.D. the most certain A trip to my doctor denied that I was wrong.
For the next two years, I researched leg cramps online while receiving all kinds of treatment from my doctor in the same way. time At first he thought I wasn’t getting enough exercise, and even when I told him I rode my bike or walked several miles at least four or five days a week, he couldn’t convince me that I was being truthful. So I added some stairs to my schedule.
We have a flight of 8 steps down from our kitchen to our family room, so we go up and down these stairs 20 to 30 times a day, but the leg cramps have continued. For even rougher ones.
Next, the doctor, still acting as if he didn’t really believe that my claim was so active – I’m a senior citizen – decided that I should exercise under the supervision of a therapist. She prescribed 10 weeks of intensive therapy for the legs; therapy that consisted of a bundle of leg exercises and balance exercises that I faithfully performed most of the time. The leg cramps continued.
The doctor then ran blood tests, determined that I was deficient in vitamin D, and prescribed a heavy dose of that vitamin. to cure the problem. I will admit that the leg cramps have lessened a bit, and I have a ton of energy so thank you for the vitamin D.
Then, about a month ago, I was shopping at our local Wal-Mart when I had cramps in both feet so bad that I had to walk between two .I tried to get rid of the sarcophagus from my feet, walking, jumping, stretching the muscles of my feet, while letting out a groan of my misery.
Finally, I took my shoes, put them in the cart and walked to the thrift store where I returned the few items in my cart after the cashier convinced me that I really shouldn’t be paying for the good. I used a pair of sneakers that I still couldn’t wear to put my aching feet back. They have a policy posted in the prompt window that says “No hardware, no shirt, no admission.” I guess since I had an issue anyway, the rule of thumb doesn’t apply in my case.
I went home and made an appointment to see my doctor the next day.
The doctor made me more sure P.A.D. I do not have, that leg cramps are very common, and that the cause of his illness is often difficult. According to this there are a few reasons;
Lack of exercise.
Work from the army too.
Muscle and nerve diseases.
Juice for particular medicine.
Electrolyte imbalances.
For unknown reasons.
Since my blood work has been controlled for many reasons, and my exercise at home and through physical-therapy class has only improved my condition, rather, it should be adapted to its discretion in the class of unknown causes. (I think, if the truth is told, that a little more is soured by the possibility of excess, but she, when she is bordering on excess, tends to avoid that thing as much as possible.
Of course, we discussed natural remedies for the cramps we had heard about.
I had tried the baths. No matter how narrow you get in discomfort when you’re soaking in the tub and no matter how much you flit around and hang your injured muscles, the pain just won’t go away, and you’ll want to consider calling for help. I guess it’s better than drowning, but it’s humiliating, especially when the person you’re calling isn’t in much better shape than you. No. Hot baths didn’t work for me, and for the reasons I mentioned above, I switched to showers these days. I’m not taking a chance anymore.
We also discuss the cleaning remedies that foods more abundant in calcium and potassium eat. I knew my dryness was not a problem as always drink water. I thought I was doing well in the diet area already, but in a day and several weeks a week there is still no change.
An old wives tales We discussed the bar of soap under your feet at night, and agreed it was probably a funny idea especially since my cramps weren’t at night anyway. But hey, I’m desperate. I tried soap but it didn’t work. But neither mine. Maybe you believe it is.
A friend told me that his father used to put a pinch of salt on his tongue to stop cramps. I tried that too, and it was quickly concluded by time wherever you go when the cistern was hit, where the salt supply is if it were yours, the frame would have taken its natural course and ended up anyway.
Another friend said his uncle took quinine for leg cramps. I mentioned this to my doctor and he admitted that quinine was used as a regular treatment for cramps, but that the FDA had banned its use several years ago. He suggested that I could try the tonic water from the market on the magazine just to try it. It seems that the amount of quinine in the drinks is so small that FDA regulations do not apply to it.
What had I to lose?
On the way home I picked up several large bottles of Tonic water. The clerk thought I thought I was a little old to give a party where I needed to make a lot of soup for drinks to serve, but he had come to the point of trying something to stop the nasty cramps.
As soon as I got home, I poured myself a glass of tonic. Ugh. It tasted a lot worse than I expected, but I dug it anyway. And for several days I had a glass or two of very cheap tonics. I haven’t tried it yet, but I thought you could add tonic water orange or flavored diet drinks to time will tell. I think that the small amount of quinine in tonic water can’t be drunk every day. they hurt—at least they hurt no less than doing leg cramps. It’s interesting that when I drank tonic water, I talked to many others I know who were also drinking tonic water for the same reason – to help stop severe leg cramps.
A few days ago we decided that, having already lived more than the biblical promise of three and ten years, I really didn’t need to drive my car 10 miles a day or walk about four miles each day. . Five miles on the bike or 2 miles on foot should be more than enough, leg cramps or no leg cramps.
* I would advise anyone trying tonic water with quinine to check with their doctor first to rule out the possibility of severe nerve or artery disease.