Overpopulation: The Unpopular Issue the U.S. Government Won’t Address

This is a dirty little/big word that no political party or government (except China) wants to do. Overpopulation! The root cause of our planetary social, economic and environmental ills. A greenhouse effect extends with its truly horrifying effects on the planet — including the terrifying prospect that we could really lose the Polar Ice-Caps, leading to flooding and rising global temperatures — to the job shortage situation in America and almost everywhere else. into the world This is something that countries around the world can no longer ignore if they want to live and flourish. Or by finding new ways to reduce pollution and recycling technologies, of course, but there is only one true way to save the environment, aka, the planet.

So why does no one want to address him? I mean simple. Because of how unpopular any political party or government would be. No one in the election is going to appeal to her on the main issue. The only effective response to overpopulation is limiting how many children are born each year and of course the people we tend to be in arms with ‘ Big Brother teaches us how to live our lives. But it has already come to the point in the countries of Africa and India, where limitations have to be made and this will of course lead to the prejudice of human rights, which is a tough word… What choice we have is a higher price to pay for future generations, and if we are not prepared to do something about it, it will not be the price of the future of the diesel generation. Of course, China is already introducing social change with the one-child policy, which gives economic benefits to those who agree to it. Unfortunately, many people are still stuck on the idea of ​​having 2 kids which shows that we also need to change our attitude.

Therefore, before we begin to go through these military missions, on a simpler rational level, solutions are less overbearing and easier to start with common sense. Perhaps those who say more than 2 children should be punished. But for rewarding people who have large families by throwing money at them, than rewarding those who have no more than 2 children, nor better than rewarding those who have no children at all. Financial incentives in the form of tax breaks for those who are not a burden to society by adding to the population. Things are not so bad in America…but! but complacency is dangerous. Each family being limited to 1 child sounds harsh, but with limits in the environment you have to deal with things eventually. People are hardly a valuable commodity. Did you know that there is a rate for each person in New York Rather than being frightened by how many rats there are, I am frightened that there is a man for every rat.

When the Tsunami that hit the Indian Ocean two years ago killed up to 300,000 people, unfortunately, it did not exactly make a dent in the world of people. To not have incentives for people, to give place to having incentives. There will undoubtedly be a time when America too will have to tell people how many children they can have and the enforcement of any. such a law, though it will be totally un-American, will eventually be passed if people are allowed to marry with impunity.

I can look forward to a day when there will be no need to check people’s studies. ‘How many children you have, Mr. Thompson. Let me see, three? Well that’s one too many. Say goodbye to Peter, Jr………….Bang!’ Of course this would be unacceptable, but look at what is happening in China now. We are not far from that mission now. I’m sure the American Gov’t would be more specific. An invisible form of ethnic cleansing through race-specificbiological warfare could be used to round up those immigrants they deemed convenient. Forced vasectomy on anyone over 30. Perhaps mimicking Bacterial Agone ‘Black Death’ 1600 could be increased. . All unpleasant scenarios, but I could imagine them all happening quite easily.

If we allow men to have so many children, then we shall perish altogether. This is not in question. For it is We are talking not only about human health, but about the health of the planet. In the last 40 years or so we could make big changes in how we monitor and decide our people, but only if individual governments have the guts to face the truth of the matter.

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