Warning Signs and Symptoms of Preeclampsia

At 32 weeks pregnant, my blood pressure was elevated, and my weight gain was through the roof. The doctor suspected that she was suffering from preeclampsia, a lethal pregnancy-induced condition. Fortunately, my body chose to push preeclampsia into preterm labor. Despite being given Breathene and Magnesium Sulfate, two medical treatments for preterm labor, my body was ready for the part of giving birth and two. healthy babies born 8 weeks early. I managed to slip through fatal preeclampsia, but not all women are so lucky.

Preeclampsia is a pregnancy condition with only one cure, give birth. Warning signs and symptoms are sometimes easy to spot even without a medical degree, while others require a closer look and a diagnostic eye.

Higher than normal blood pressure is the first warning sign. Normal blood pressure is 140 /80 or below. Women suffering from preeclampsia often suffer from hypertension, or high blood pressure. If high blood is noted, doctors often ask for another reading to rule out preeclampsia. If the second blood pressure measurement is taken within the seventh day of the first high reading and the effect remains. high, the doctor could diagnose preeclampsia.

Women suffering from hypertension may have symptoms of headache, nausea and chest pain. These symptoms symptoms do not appear unless the blood pressure is in the dangerous zone, which is why the blood pressure is high it is often said that ‘the killer is silent’.

There is a trace (or more) of protein in the urine. Many pregnant women hate this. that they visit the midwife often in the cup of the breast. A good method of urine test is through batteries, one of which is protein. Women with preeclampsia sometimes pass urine. A normal urine test could be your first indication of preeclampsia. If protein is found in the urine, the doctor will closely monitor the pregnant woman during the remaining weeks of delivery. There are no physical signs of protein in the urine.

Faster than normal weight gain. Women gain weight during pregnancy but fast weight gain is the meaning of preeclampsia. If a pregnant woman gains more than two pounds in one week, the doctor may place a red alert on the doctor. a file Weight gain will be closely monitored along with other potential signs of preeclampsia.

It is very important for women to open up to their midwives. If you know you have been eating half a gallon of ice cream every night before bed, tell your midwife. Women pregnant with multiples tend to gain weight gain than women pregnant with singlets, so they take the risk of weight gain in preeclampsia for with multiples it is almost impossible.

Swelling of the face and hands may be a symptom of severe preeclampsia… or not. Bloating and dropsy are common during pregnancy. Swelling is caused by fluid retention like dropsy. Women who suffer from preeclampsia may show signs of severe swelling and/or edema when they are warm. Pitting is when there is so much fluid directly under the skin that the cut with the finger slowly fills with moisture instead of immediately rebounding. Unfortunately, all pregnant women swell, so this is often considered an unpleasant sign.

Preeclampsia can increase the risk of premature labor, infant mortality, and maternal mortality. Doctors often keep a close eye on patients in late pregnancy for signs and symptoms to warn of the condition. So the next time you head to the midwife’s office, don’t worry about standing on a scale, peeing in a cup or having blood pressure< /a> captured These are all diagnostic measures to ensure that mom and bay are safe and healthy.

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