Proactiv Solution Refining Mask Review

Proactiv Solution is one of the most popular brands of acne-fighting products. It offers a wide range of cleansers, toners, and the famous three-step system. Over the years I have used and tried many other proactiv solution products with success, one of them being Mask Refining. A facelift is specially formulated to clean and shrink pores. It contains zinc oxide, tea leaf oil, and other ingredients that help fight stubborn acne. According to the instructions on the back of the tube, the person to be used should break the areas and large pores And wipe off after 10 minutes.

She has been a great addition to my beauty routine. I usually use it three times a week, applying it all over the face, but make sure to remove all complexes thoroughly first. I avoid the under eye area because it is sensitive. After 10 to 15 minutes put on the mask and wash off with cold water.

#Tip: wash off the mask, wipe your face with a towel and apply a little moisturizer. A very drying and moisturizing skin prevents the hair from becoming uncomfortably tight.

It can also be used elegantly for spot treatment. Whenever it pops up on my arm I apply a small portion of the mask one to two times a day until the breakout disappears completely. Although the mask is neatly formulated for the face, I also use it when I get the occasional body acne. Bumps and bumps can be seen on the body from hot and humid weather, or as a side effect of irritating use. sun screen

#Tip: every time you use a cleansing mask for spot treatment, and especially if you use it multiple times a day for a few days in a row, follow this rule. Apply the face only on the zit itself, because the mask is very drying. You want to dry the tan without drying and irritating around it healthy skin.

I’m super masked. This is exactly what needs to be done. However, if you have sensitive or dry skin, use the mask with caution. At first try it on a small area of ​​your face to make sure it doesn’t cause any irritation. Avoid under the eye and the area around the lips, as those areas are super sensitive to all face products.

Mask Refinement and other Proactiv Solution products can be purchased at if you order three parts, sample size, a container from the mask smelter usually comes with the order, but you can also order a full size bottle. Some larger malls also have a Proactiv Solution with representatives who can not only sell products, but also provide more branding.


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