5 Reasons for Acne

There are many reasons why people get acne. I believe that it is usually a combination of several factors that create the ideal conditions for someone with acne. Here is a breakdown of what I believe are the top 5 reasons people get acne;

1. Oily skin

Acne is caused when your skin produces more sebum than it excretes. There are these glands in your skin called sebaceous glands whose function is to produce an oil or sebum secretion. Sebum basically helps the skin stay shiny and elastic among other things. When your sebaceous glands produce more sebum than your skin can absorb, you get oily skin. If the skin is too oily and your pores become somehow bigger, you get acne.

2. When will you buy?

If you have dirty pores, it gets stuck behind the skin and produces flakes on the skin. Cleansing your pores can help to cleanse the way your skin handles secretions from your sebaceous glands.

3. Food allergies

In some cases, certain food allergies can create conditions that encourage the appearance of acne. Some have mild allergies to certain foods, and those allergies manifest as acne. We read that sticking to a gluttony free diet seems to do wonders for someone’s skin. I don’t think I’ll try a gluten free diet, but I can see that experimenting with cutting out some food is worth it when trying to figure out what food is to blame if it’s an allergy.

4. Allergy to food

Yep, there are some cosmetic-products out there that are oil-based, or that have ingredients that can be irritating. your acne Most of these companies put a lot of effort into testing their products and allow them to be allergen free, but there should be something you use for your acne. can cause Maybe a certain brand of lip gloss, or the brand of a certain head of staff may be at fault. Try different brands and see if you notice a difference.

5. Improper cleaning.

This is a doozy, as they say. If you use an astringent that’s too harsh, you risk aggravating your skin and exposing it to more potentially harmful elements. So how do you clean it? Well, the wisest advice is to wash your face wash with a mild soap at least twice if not three times a day . Rub your face gently with your hands or wash your face with clean. The main idea is to wash gently and use a mild soap or cleaning solution. Nothing rough.
There are a lot of different brands that you can use to treat your acne. I have plenty of resources about acne on the acne page on my website. Sign up to receive a free article with instructions on how to institute a multi-pronged approach to manage your acne. visit http://rafaelpublishing.com/acne/3days.html


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