Which Breed of Dog Best Suits My Personality?

Are you looking for a new best friend or a new family member? Choosing a dog breed that suits you and your lifestyle can be a little trickier than it seems. Dogs have been selectively bred for countless centuries, favoring different traits in each individual. This selective process has worked remarkably well and now there seems to be a dog breed that does not suit any person or situation. more perfectly There are two things to remember first and foremost before choosing a new friend: The more selective breeding was done to create your chosen breed, the more likely it is to have health complications – and always your new dog from the shelter! You will be pleasantly surprised to see the huge amount of pure breed dogs available in shelters that are not too far from home. .


Active Personality

People who take frequent walks or hikes, people who live near large recreation areas, who are dog friendly and people who are dog they live a generally healthy and efficient lifestyle that is usually very happy with the type of dog that loves to be so active.

The Basenji was first bred in Africa as a hunting dog, but now it has become popular among active families and everyone. the world This dog’s personality gets along well with children, and is a dog that loves to hunt and run wild. Sometimes seen as overly excited, the Basenji may have difficulty retaining control at first until dominance can be established. This species seems to have a constant energy, and is known to be able to clear the forest through fences. Basenjis need lots of room to run and play, but they can be kept in large rooms if you take frequent walks, or live near a recreation center a friendly dog

Another great choice of active dogs is Siberian-husky. This breed is robust and upright and as a guard dog as a very loving companion. Huskies are large dogs, and they need as much space as they love. They also spilled a lot! Huskies are also known to be rambunctious and disobedient if left alone for too long, so this may not be a good breed if you work long hours and live alone. Even apartment-dogs”>apartment dogs are not good, as they are big and have an impressive endurance that needs to be exercised.

The Alaskan Malamute, often mistaken for a Husky, is another large dog that takes long walks and is otherwise active outside. This type of behavior can be a lot stronger than a hoarse, and even more effective dog guard. They also shed, and are known to be one of the dog breeds that shed the most. Malamutes should not be kept in an apartment. These dogs are tricky to train, but they are not so bad if I start early.


I like the personality

Many hate, join, or quiet family dogs like they have them; docile, calm, obedient.

Golden Retrievers are what come to mind for many dog ​​owners or enthusiasts when they think of a loyal and faithful dog. They are great with families and easy to train. These dogs make wonderful playthings and guardians of children, and are agile and fit enough to be considered a very active dog as well as docile and calm

The Pug is also a good dog for families or activities that work well, although it is better to have them with another animal, because They don’t want to be alone most of the time. Pugs are not built for exercise, so a brisk walk a day is plenty for your Pug. They also have a food attitude, so you know how much food they have in front of you, they will show their adorable face to their heart’s content! Pugs are friendly to people and very good with children. They are perfect for apartments, condos and even large families.

Spanish Cocker and Spanish Springer are two very loving breeds that give and receive attention from people. They don’t want to be alone for too long, but if they are well trained with the puppy, they can be incredibly obedient. These dogs are great for individuals or groups that provide plenty of cuteness to love, and are usually too easy to get attached to. Both breeds are often considered some of the most affectionate, but they differ in that the Springer Spaniel seems to have boundless energy, and is more likely to get into trouble when not around. It always depends more on the trainer though, and it always looks good.

Basset/a> A dog to be adored, with a thin face and a small one that could be loved. This makes them great for couples or younger couples, as this dog totally wants their baby. Basset Hounds vary in size depending on the size of their parents, and can sometimes become very small. These dogs have a wonderful temperament, and they are like friends and family.

One of the the most searched dog breeds is the cattle by individuals and couples without families. Oxen are lovable and placid, but stubborn and lazy. They love to work, and they love to sit next to people as one band. Cattle are prone to chewing on shoes and clogs, and are weaker and weaker than other breeds. They also snore sometimes, and are thought by most Bulldog owners to be more fun than annoying.



Protective Personality

Dogs that can protect your family and your belongings – that’s one of the reasons people started selectively breeding dogs from wolves in the first place. Some types of protection are great for keeping families, and some are more hateful. Either way, if you’re looking to breed a breed with a bite, you’ll want a breed with personality protection.

German Shepherds are an incredibly popular dog, and deservedly so. They are agile, great with children, smart, and easy to train. They are also very guarded, and bark at strangers more often than they should if they are not trained otherwise. They have spilled a lot, and sometimes they are so fearless that it gets in their heads. Establishing leaders early in the morning with your German Shepherd, especially the male, is key if you don’t want her to think she’s a boss. These dogs are very active, and sometimes they can have mediocrity unless they have been trained by people other than the trainer. This can be dangerous with hatred that many strangers do not see, as the German shepherd is quick to think of anyone other than his master.

Bull Terrier is very protective of children – very, very protective . This breed is sometimes known as a “babysitter dog” because if a child is injured or distressed; This dog will wake you up and fast! They are also known as children from the very harmful conditions, which are very serious and sought by families with children who want to explore. With care though, the Bull Terrier’s inquisitive nature can cause him to get involved in without the help of your children.

Mastiff breeds also make fantastic keeping dogs, and some mastiff breeds are great with large families. These dogs can be equally as scary as they are loving, but some of them are encouraged to fast while they are “cleaned” so to speak – once the male learns that you are not a threat, he can become the best pal. . Some molossians have been known to pull babies by the ears, to pull them by the floppy skin, even riding them. , without the dog even blinking – but if a threat approaches, stand on end of the hair, and your male will show the true strength of the guard dog.


Genus Breeds

For small or large families, protection, friendship, affection are known in the canine companion. It is essential that a dog that does not harm children, will be a friend of the family, and will protect you and yours when he has one.

Labrador Retrievers are generally chosen by families with children age 6 and up. The Labrador is truly the most popular breed of dog in the United States and Canada, and is known to have the best temperament of all dog breeds. to have. These dogs are great with children, but they can catch more, so it is better to have a bigger home home run< /a> around in together with the children. They are very loving workers and are not really good at hating, as they seem to be happiest and healthiest when they are in a diverse environment full of different activities.

Most terrier breeds are fantastic family dogs – the Jack Russel Terrier, the Lakeland Terrier, the Fox Terrier and the Border Terrier in particular . These dogs are found in mixed conditions of almost every second; Loyal, loving, hardworking, friendly, and fun to play with. They are also known to have barking bad habits, unless otherwise exercised by the youth.

A Beagle makes a great dog for a small family. These dogs have big tempers, but can be extremely territorial when it comes to their “handler leader”. Although they don’t bite much into their adoring barks, it’s easy to tell that they’ll hold anything for their families if they’re treated with love and care. These dogs can often overeat if not kept. Even though the Beagle seems cute and almost irresistible, remember that this breed is one of the hardest to train. Even though they seem the most obedient, many Beagles are too clever for their own good; Let them find ways to go into your closet for shoes, or into the refrigerator for yogurt.

For more information about dogs, their potential health risks, their compatibility with you and your home, and For details on their care and personalities, visit www.justdogbreeds.com.

It is always smart to get your dog out of the shelter. Try visiting the hospital’s website to see what dogs are available. For a list of shelters near you, visit http://www.animalshelter.org/shelters/.


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