Almost all pet bird owners know what bird seed moths are and have heard a lot about them. These are small winged bugs that can be quite difficult to get rid of. To get rid of them, we must first understand where they come from.
The term “bird seed moth” describes these critters quite accurately. These bugs come from contaminated bird seed. One seed of wild birds from the top offenders. This seed is typically very old and sits in storage for a long time before we come and buy it. .
But don’t think that you should buy your parrot, goldfinch or other pet bird seed in the pet store. or from the stench means that your seed will be moth-free. Avoid the seed that is sold in bulk, that is stored in large granaries in luxury. This type of erection is known for retrieving moths and their eggs.
Many bird owners are under the false assumption that keeping seed in the refrigerator will kill any moths, larvae or eggs. But all this causes them to be hidden for the time being. Once you bring it back to room temperature, the eggs hatch and you have a whole new colony of seed moths in your house. hands
So how do you get rid of these pesky critters? To start, start switch food and maybe improve the cages or aviaries. A thorough cleaning should be done at least once a week, maybe more. Cage walls, cribs and dishes are scrubbed and new bedding or linens are provided daily.
Only high quality packaged seed should be fed to birds. Discard any bulk seed or wild bird seed that you previously purchased. Let us remember that there is a reason why somebirds are dearer to others. When it comes to bird food, you really get what you pay for.
Once you have thoroughly cleaned and cleaned the cage or aviary and replaced the low quality moth-harboring food with one. Good notes, you need to shake off any moths. The best way to go about this is to buy moth seed. These are hidden in almost any corner of the cage or aviary, hanging from the top or placed at the bottom. These traps catch bugs where they cannot escape.
Remember, there is a time when new moths emerge. The larvae and eggs that are not caught will be from the surplus. The traps catch the adult moths. Therefore, leave the traps in place for a long period of time to get rid of the entire “family” of moths.
The birds hate the seed moths, they act dull and inactive. Prevention is the best way not to worry about them so always feed your birds a high quality diet. If the infestation finds its way into the bird’s habitat, follow the steps of the previous ones to get rid of it. Have some patience, do a little work, and soon you will remove all the bird seed moths from your bird cage .