How I Got My 9 Week Old Twins to Sleep Through the Night

” To rationalize or not to rationalize”

This question is asked by every new mother. As soon as the twins were born and born in my arms I knew how to break hearts, to always put them down and away, they cry. I have learned in my parenting classes that it is important that the child feels the security of the parents so it really cannot be. corrupt, which was removed in the first six months. My husband is happy and full of sleep to sacrifice the night to get up in the middle of the night to feed. I’m happy to know that I’m producing enough breast milk for two babies and I’m going to miss hanging out, even if it means no more sleeping than two hours at any time of the day. Of course, every day a few days I’m so tired I need help taking care of the children in the afternoon so that I can get out of exhaustion. When they were 8 weeks old, I watched my local ski resorts. When they saw the dark circles under my eyes, and heard that the baby was still with us, they were very worried and read the book “Becoming a Baby”. I was a little hesitant and knew that there was no way I was daring my precious babies to cry themselves to sleep for up to 45 minutes as another mother had suggested. Up to that point, I was only told to eat as requested to help me maintain milk supply for each baby.

I came home from a meeting only to find my husband completely out to soothe two very cranky babies. This continued while I worked the night shift. Then finally I realized how the mother baby crying could listen to her sleep; she is fed, clean, and, although tired, she is too restless to soothe herself with sleep. That night I knew something had to change and this marked the end of carrying my precious newborn babies to sleep ever so peacefully.

“Never wake a sleeping child”

Your old aunt Mary said, that is exactly what this advice is, OLD

“Becoming Baby Wise” teaches the new mother how to use the PDF. This theory states that parents need to tell their children when to eat, play and sleep at the beginning of birth. Once the pasta schedule is in place, the rest of the day’s routine falls into place. Because children need to know how to put themselves to sleep by incorporating a schedule of games. Babies need to eat every three hours so I looked at our routine already in place and incorporated the firm 7:00 am, 10:00 am, 1:00 pm, 4:00 pm, 7:00 pm, 10:00 pm and two at midnight, 1:00 am and 4:00 am feeding schedule. This also meant waking up a sleeping baby so that he would not miss a feed. On the fourth night of this schedule, both babies fell asleep at 8:00 p.m. After two more nights I decided to only feed when the babies were awake, and to my surprise I was able to sleep until 6:00 am.


Tracy Hogg is the “Baby Whisperer”; in his book he teaches the E.A.S.Y. method of training your child in routine. Eat- Everything starts with a feeding schedule, three hours around the clock at the beginning. Activity- This includes diaper changes, games and bath time. Sleep – It is very important that the child does not learn to use the bottle or breast to Fall asleep. Again, it is crucial that the baby learns to put himself to sleep early in the morning. Yuring our time as a new mom I quickly discovered that I can enjoy my children more when I can have a few minutes to myself during the day.

Bath, Bottle, Books, Dreams

The first week home from the hospital we found that our babies slept better after a bath, so we use this to our advantage and pour in the morning in the evening. By the time we are brought to the pasture, we relax by reading a few books, then sleeping in bay in the crib. The point is that we took a look at what we were doing right and what worked for us.

Listen to your Instincts

Like any other new mom, I’ve got a ton of good advice to deal with when bringing a new little guy into my home. I took something from it, like when my pediatrician told me that the babies would cry for me when they threw up for more than ten minutes. without injecting Some people have it, so they add the cereal to the bottles before they are ready. I know the cries of my children, and I know when they need me. What any new mother would say is to enjoy these precious days with your baby but you will know when the time is right when you need to establish a good night’s sleep routine. Stay calm and don’t underestimate your maternal instinct.

My babies are now 4 months old and they sleep through the night. There is such a sense of satisfaction when I put them in the crib at 8:30 every night knowing that I am giving them the greatest gift from a parent, a good night’s sleep. I am greeted in the morning by two happy, smiling children ready to take on the day.


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