Safety Tips for Yard Work

Safety is the most important part of any shipyard project. I was recently reminded of this fact while mowing the weeds in my yard. I was thinking about everything, but what was I going to do, cutting the weeds, when I got my foot in the garden and caught a weed. I suffered a few cuts, wounds and some wounded pride, but it could have been worse. I could be one of the approximately 230,000 people treated each year in the emergency room for injuries associated with lawn work and equipment.

I wore flip flops and that was probably my first safety violation. So I argued when it happened. Thankfully I used a small rechargeable electric weed trimmer that was almost out of steam. If my dad’s heavy duty job had been a gas-powered deck, he probably would have needed an expedition visit.

In light of my stupidity, carelessness, and distraction, here’s a reminder of a few important safety tips for yard work projects.

Safety Tips for the Work Area: Proper Footwear

Yes, flip flops are more comfortable while doing yard work in hot weather, but it’s not the smartest idea. What happens if you say, oh I don’t know, you’re distracted and your foot steps on the lawn mower, or under the Safety Tips for the Work Area: Dress the Part

Appropriate clothing to wear while doing yard work, looser and looser clothing can be worn during the year. Long sleeves and pants can also help you from cuts, scrapes and scratches and even sunburn. Be sure to include sunscreen and a hat.

Safety Tips for Yard Work: Check the Area You Are Working in

In Tamar vs. Greenery Trimmer, I did not bother to check and clean the area before I work. While I was happily weeding, I saw a small plastic flower on the road. I kicked it with my left foot and as I do so, I shot my foot directly under the digging deck. I felt quite stupid.

When doing some type of yard work – trimming tree limbs, mowing, cutting weeds – it’s a smart idea to check for debris that has been picked up and moved out of the way. Running over a stick, wire or other item with the lawn-mower will not only damage the lawn mower but potentially injure it. you or someone else.

Safety Tips for the Workplace: Know Yourself

Make sure you know how to use your mower. Read the manufacturer’s instructions and make sure you know how to shut down the equipment quickly in case of emergency.

Safety Tips for the Work Area: Other Precautions

Pay attention to what you are capable of. I tend to daydream while he’s riding-lawn-mowers but it’s important not to zone out at all Being distracted can lead to accidents.

Do not allow children near power tools or other lawn tools. Teach them to stay away from weapons, especially when using grass.

Check the electrical cord carefully for breaks or kinks that could be potentially dangerous and use a GFCI (ground fault circuit breaker).

Do not drink alcohol or drugs while doing yard work. This should be non-us, but you never know. No one likes to ride drunk on a chain saw or wear a lawn mower. A naval operation, while under the influence, does nothing except perhaps to visit some place of necessity.

Follow these simple tips to stay safe while doing yard work and reduce your chances of serious accidents. Taking precautions will also protect your tools and equipment by following safety precautions so you will be less inclined to drop, kick or break them. against the ground with less chance.


. -2007-11-29/

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