I have been working for almost ten years now and would consider myself a master of many different applications. But over the years I’ve always been disappointed by Microsoft Excel. The application seems strange, but I could not figure it out. My father wanted to create teachers with all their information, but when I sat down and tried to create one that is his image, I could not. So after a very frustrating night, I set out all day to find out everything I could about Excel, and the discovery lasted for several months. Now I would like to share the top three tips of Microsoft Excel that I personally found very useful in creating various types of documents.
1. Write only what you want to print. to have, such as an employee’s salary or other confidential information. But what happens when you need to print all the other information on this sheet. Do you believe the new spreadsheet has less hidden content? Hogwash, you can actually only print what you want to be seen. You do this by highlighting the various cells that you don’t want to type. After selecting the appropriate columns/cells, right-click on one of the highlighted cells, and then select Skin. And now, when you print, the information you have hidden will not be printed. After printing the cells/columns you can print them again by right clicking and selecting Subindicate. The process is very simple and can save you months of grief.
2. You can only have alternate row shadows. This is very important to know about it, especially if you have rows in the data, such as inventory The size of this will help you, or anyone who reads a spreadsheet, be able to read the sheet more easily. Here is how to complete this task:
a. Highlight the information you want to be formatted.
b. Go to format -> CONDITIONAL FORMAT
c. You will now be brought to the Conditional box.
d. Go to PREFACE, which is placed in the first drop-down list and enter: =MOD(ROW(),2=0 in the second box
e. Open the Format Cells box p>
f back to your spreadsheet.
3. Create a Drop-down List. This is one of the professional functions that you can add to the spreadsheet In the drop-down list, can make sure that there is no information in the factory. p>
to enter all the items in the drop-down list, select the cell that you want to be placed in the drop-down list to have a large number of cells, just select the number and position of the cells you want.Choose to sort, hold down CTRL.
c .SETTINGS tab.
field and read LIST, detail that drop down list, in our case, it is C1 to C7 you will enter: =C1:C7
g. Click OK.
Now you know some important functions that have helped me immensely. I hope you find these as useful as I have found them.