The Smell of Smokers

Every two months the Orkin man visits my place to upkeep the pest control maintenance (I’m afraid of spiders). When he first began visiting, I noticed that he carried with him the very notable stench of tobacco. At the conclusion of his second visit, I asked him if he smoked a pipe, because the odor smelled more like pipe tobacco than cigarette smoke. He said he smoked only cigarettes; then he asked me, “Why? Can you smell it?” I said I sure can, and then I asked him if he could refrain from smoking in his vehicle for at least an hour before coming to my place?

He obliged and said no problem. That was many visits ago. Today he came stinking like the inside of cigarettes. I didn’t bother bringing it up, but next time, if he stinks again, I will. After all, the Orkin man and any service individual, for that matter, is supposed to provide a service that’s 100 percent positive. The problem here is that after he leaves a room, the smell remains, so I have to open windows to air out the place. And it takes a while, too.

Don’t smokers realize that this is what happens when they smoke in a confined place, such as a car or truck? The smoke has no place to go and permeates the person’s clothes and skin, making them stink to high Heaven. If you absolutely will die without that next cigarette, why not smoke it outside, and pace around? This way, the smoke won’t envelope you and make you reek to high Heaven.

Now, if it’s bitter cold, rainy or really windy, I can understand if you don’t want to smoke outside. But today is pleasant and sunny, so I don’t know why the Orkin man didn’t smoke outside. There is no way he had his last cigarette outside, what with the way he reeked. I can’t imagine how bad this odor is when he comes home from work. How could his wife (yes, he’s married) put up with the stench? Unless she too smokes?

He told me he jogs five miles every day. Now, I don’t understand something. If he can have the discipline to jog five miles a day, what is so hard about quitting smoking?

Get this: From time to time, I will be subjected to very unpleasant wafts of smoke/tobacco at the health club! People will actually smoke up a storm (or at least, that’s what they smell like), and then enter the gym for a workout. Smokers should definitely work out. It helps suppress nic fits, craving nicotine, one of the stupidest drugs known to man.

But don’t you realize that if you smoke in your car, you’ll reek something awful when you step out? Again, smoke outside and pace. Spritzing cologne or perfume won’t help, either. What you yourself may not be able to smell, trust me, OTHER PEOPLE CAN.

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