Canine Heart Murmurs

What is a heart murmur?

A heart murmur is an irregular or abnormal heart beat caused by a disturbance in blood flow. While a heart murmur itself is not a disease or illness, it can be the symptom of an underlying medical problem.

Heart murmurs in dogs are considered to be common. In some cases, murmurs are ‘innocent’, and require no treatment for the dog to live a perfectly healthy and normal life. Others are caused by severe health issues and need to be treated quickly.

What are the types of heart murmurs?

A good amount of non-life-threatening murmurs are found in young puppies. They are caused commonly between the ages of one and four months during a growth spurt which requires an increase of blood flow. Although most of these ‘innocent’ murmurs will dissipate on their own around six months of age, it is still important for a veterinarian to monitor them.

There are also heart murmurs which are caused by serious health issues. Some of the problems which may lead to a heart murmur include anemia, heart disease, or birth defects (holes in valves or separated heart walls).

Type, severity, and ultimately, treatment can be determined by a veterinarian using chest x-rays, and ECGs or other heart monitoring procedures.

What are the symptoms of heart murmurs?

Many dogs can live for years with a heart murmur and show no symptoms. It is vital for a dog to see its vet annually just for this reason. Some dogs will exhibit symptoms. Most commonly, the symptoms will include shortness of breath, coughing, a bluish tint to gums and tongue, or a distended belly (from excess fluid). Keep in mind, if your dog is showing these symptoms, they are not from a heart murmur, rather they are accompanying the heart murmur as a symptom of something more serious.

Preventing heart murmurs

The only way to prevent a murmur is to evade the causes. Regular visits to the veterinarian will provide the most protection for your dog. Proper diet and exercise will also go far when it comes to your dog’s chances of getting heart disease that leads to murmurs. You also need to keep up with your dog’s medications. Monthly heartworm medicine is imperative to the health of your dog. Heartworms are transmitted easily through mosquitoes and cause extreme damage to the heart. Heartworms will ultimately cause death if not treated immediately.

Dental health of your dog is another factor which effects heart health. Plaque build-up on teeth plays host to bacteria that can attack the heart and other vital organs. Most dogs age three and older have some form of dental disease. All dogs of this age and older should have their teeth professionally cleaned annually.

Treatment of heart murmurs

Only the cause of murmur can be treated. There are medications and procedures for most of the causes of murmurs. With proper medical attention and treatment, your dog could live a relatively normal and long life with a murmur.


“Healthy Dogs: Heart Rate and Irregular Heartbeat in Dogs” WebMD

“Heart Murmurs in Dogs” Pet Wave

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