Adopt a Grandparent: A Public Service that Benefits Everyone

Adopting a grandparent is not a new idea, but it is a great one. Oftentimes, elderly people find themselves alone. You probably have an elderly person in your neighborhood that would appreciate being part of a family unit or having someone spend some time with them. This relationship benefits both parties involved; the elderly person has someone to depend on and to call on in a time of need, and you get the reward of knowing that you are providing a meaningful relationship to someone who may not have anyone.

Our elders are a wealth of information, they have stories to tell of their experiences in life. I took care of an elderly professor, she was full of stories of her travels and her lessons learned in life. She taught me quite a few lessons that I could not learn from any book. She spent her entire life living alone. She told me not to grow old alone, it is very lonely, she never knew the value of children or a spouse.

She preached to me the value of education, that you should never quit learning. Once you know it all the world ceases to have anything new to offer you. Always be open minded and respectful to others thoughts and feelings.

I was at the pharmacy the other day and they always asked your date of birth, the elderly gentleman said July 16, 1925. His age inspired me to think of my professor, I wondered as I watched him get his order, what experiences he has had in his long life? What wonderful stories he must have, and I wondered does he have anyone to share them with. Once he got his prescription, the pharmacist ask him his wife’s age, he told her, so I knew that he had been married for a long time, her birthday was around the same time frame as his. What a wonderful testament to marriage and devotion to one another. I could not help wonder about all the knowledge and experience the two of them have to share. How to keep a marriage healthy and experiencing the longevity of a life partner. I didn’t asked, it would have been totally out of line in a public place.

Elderly folks are inspirations to all of us, they were once in our shoes and we will someday be in theirs, we could learn so much from them, given the chance they may love to share their stories, especially if they are alone. So if you know of an elderly person who is in this situation, get to know, spend some time with them, help them with their chores, take them grocery shopping, sit and talk for a while. Loneliness is a devastating feeling to an elderly person. Time doesn’t cost you a dime and is worth a fortune to those who are sitting alone somewhere waiting on you to approach them and start a meaningful relationship.

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