Peppermint Facial Cleanser for Acne Prone Skin

Acne is a skin condition I fight back with using my homemade peppermint facial cleanser. Peppermint is not only soothing to acne, but it can also help reduce redness and inflammation in those who suffer from acne. Peppermint also contains antibacterial and antiseptic properties in it that help cleanse the skin and rid it from the bacteria that causes acne while shrinking the pores so you can have beautiful radiant glowing skin again.

Ingredients in Facial Cleanser

The organic ingredients I love to use to make my homemade peppermint facial cleanser are pure aloe gel, peppermint essential oil, tea tree oil and honey. The reasons these organic ingredients are used in my facial cleanser for acne are because they contain potent nutrients and medicinal properties in them that help treat and clear up acne naturally. For instance, aloe is soothing and healing to the skin due to the many antioxidants in it that repair skin damage due to infection or sun damage. Honey contains antibacterial properties that help keep the bacterium that causes acne with giving the skin a youthful glow and silky smooth texture and complexion. The peppermint and tea tree oil work as antiseptics for cleansing and soothing away the acne naturally with a pleasant cooling sensation that is very refreshing to the skin.

All these organic ingredients can easily be found at any organic healthy food shop or grocery store in the organic isles. I know I get my ingredients to make the peppermint facial cleanser from my local herbal shop in my hometown known as Evergrain.

Making the Cleanser

To make the peppermint facial cleanser all I do is measure out and pour two cups of pure aloe gel, ten drops of peppermint oil, five drops of tea tree oil and a half cup of honey into a large container or small mixing bowl. Then I combined the ingredients together with a spoon until I have a golden gel like peppermint smelling facial cleanser. After I place a lid over the cleanser to keep it fresh and store it in the refrigerator until I am ready to use the cleanser for washing my face naturally. The cleanser should stay fresh up to three weeks in the refrigerator.

Using the Peppermint Cleanser

Before I apply the peppermint facial cleanser to my face I like to rinse my face down with plenty of warm water to help open up the pores so the nourishing ingredients from the cleanser can get deep down inside them to remove all the dirt, oils and bacteria from them well. Then I take a handful of the gel and massage it into my skin until my face is coated. After, I leave the facial cleanser on my skin for a minute to soothe my acne because when you go to use the cleanser it provides a slight cooling sensation that is soothing to acne. Once the time is up, I rinse down my skin with warm water and pat it dry with a cotton towel.

After using this facial cleanser, you can visibly notices any redness and inflammation caused by the acne has shrunk down tremendously and the skin should feel softer and have a bright glowing appearance to it. To help clear up acne completely it is best to use this cleanser twice a day. I use the cleanser in the morning when I wake up and before bedtime, but you may use it whenever you please.

I also like to use the cleanser as a soothing peppermint facial mask when my acne is severe. I simply rinse my face down with warm water, pat my skin dry and apply a nice thick even layer of the cooling soothing cleanser to my skin. Then I leave it on my face for ten minutes so the natural ingredients in it can treat and cleanse the acne so it can begin to heal. After, I simply rinse my face down with warm water and pat my face dry. Using the cleanse this way helps dramatically clear up acne in no time for me, but keep in mind all skin types are different so what works for me may not work for you but it is worth trying.

Bottom Line

Acne can be treated effectively and safely using the homemade peppermint facial cleanser if you use it properly each day. I know it works well for me and I have used it for years now and my acne has stayed away. When I first started using it, it took about three weeks for my acne to be completely cleared up and two weeks for the acne scars to begin to fade away. After about a month an half my skin was softer with a clear complexion and stayed that way. I hope those of you who make and use this peppermint facial cleanser have the same results I received so you can have naturally beautiful skin again.


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