Dressed in pink
White hair so beautifully styled
Tiny, yet very strong.
Cares for her family
The best gardener
Feeds birds and pets kittens or puppies.
Has a strong faith
Accepts life’s trials
Meets things head-on.
Very quiet and inward
Keeps troubles to herself
Probably sheds tears.
Loves my father dearly
Gives her life for him
Shows her love.
Makes beautiful quilts
Creates beauty with her hands
Talented, gifted and more.
Continues to learn
Doesn’t give up
Works so hard.
Truly loves nature
Inspired by sunrises and sunsets
Seasons: springs and falls.
Traveled widely
Enjoyed cultures and sites
Touched mountains and oceans.
Happy in her home
Appreciates simplicity
Loves beauty of Iowa countryside.
High expectations.
Age 91
Drives her red Buick
Not slowly.
Sense of humor
Knows how to have fun
Yet, a perfectionist.
Somewhat daring
Appears to be in the middle
Yet, inwardly is not.
Helping hands
Listening ears
Seeing eyes.
My mother
My friend
She pushes me higher and higher. Always.