Natural Treatments for COPD

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD is a general term for lung diseases resulting from the narrowing of the small airways or bronchi in the lungs. These diseases include emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Symptoms of COPD include shortness of breath, wheezing, recurrent respiratory infections and chronic cough.

There is no cure for COPD, but the symptoms can be treated. There are many medications to address the symptoms of COPD.

However, many sufferers prefer to ease their discomfort with natural remedies for COPD. Those with COPD should discuss all treatments with their doctor first, because not all are appropriate for everyone with COPD and because some natural COPD treatments, such as certain vitamins, mineral and herbal supplements, may interfere with medications and other treatments.

Here are five natural COPD treatments.

Acupuncture, acupressure and shiatsu. Some COPD sufferers report that they experience some relief from their symptoms after being treated with acupuncture; acupressure, which is similar to acupuncture but relies on pressure from thumbs and fingers rather than the insertion of needles; or shiatsu, another massage pressure technique. These techniques also can be useful as part of an anti-smoking program (smoking is one of the leading causes of COPD).

Exercise. Aerobic exercise that builds endurance and resistance exercises that strengthen muscles, especially in the upper body, may help to relieve some COPD symptoms. Any exercise program should be developed in conjunction with a doctor or respiratory therapist. Exercise, as well as breathing exercises, can be an important part of a comprehensive pulmonary rehabilitation program under the direction of a qualified respiratory therapist.

Yoga. Mind/body programs, like yoga, that include meditation and stress reduction techniques as well as strengthening exercises and controlled breathing routines may be good natural COPD treatments for some sufferers. Other activities that can help to reduce the stress of living with COPD and, therefore, may help to ease the symptoms include joining a support group, practicing tai chi, meditating , listening to relaxation tapes and using biofeedback.

Diet. There is some evidence that poor nutrition and certain vitamin and mineral deficiencies may exacerbate COPD. Therefore, eating a healthy, balanced diet is especially important for COPD sufferers. Their diets should include plenty of fruits and vegetables, nuts, and whole grains. In addition, magnesium deficiency may increase the risk of lung disease. Magnesium-rich foods include legumes, whole grains and leafy green vegetables. Also, some COPD patients find that drinking black tea helps to ease tightness in the chest and makes it easier for them to breath.

Herbs. Many herbs have traditionally been used to relieve respiratory ailments and, therefore, may be good natural COPD treatments. For example, eucalyptus is a natural expectorant that can help to loosen and phlegm and licorice, lobelia, marshmallow, red clover and saw palmetto all can be used to treat bronchitis. Also, garlic has antioxidant properties and may help to fight infections. As with any other natural COPD treatment, herbs should only be used with the knowledge of a physician, since some should not be taken with certain medications or by those with certain medical conditions.


Victoria Abreo,, COPD – Alternative Medicine, define: COPD – Google Search, Alternative Medicine – Herbs, Yoga and Nutritional Supplements – Health and Age

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