Cinnamon May be Key to Treating Insulin Resistance

Most women that have been diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome, or PCOS, also have insulin resistance. Some women are unaware that they are having insulin problems but having certain symptoms and certain blood test results can answer that question. Several newer studies have concluded that cinnamon can lower blood glucose levels. It can even possibly help to prevent diabetes. Studies even suggest that people that already have a diagnosis of type two diabetes can use cinnamon as an insulin substitute and help combat the disease.

Cinnamon itself has insulin-like activity. A study conducted by UCSB has concluded that cinnamon has a bio-active component that may have the potential to prevent or overcome diabetes altogether.

For women with PCOS, insulin resistance usually is the cause of the PCOS diagnosis. This places these women in a higher risk category for one day getting full blown diabetes. Insulin resistance has been called pre diabetes. People with pre diabetes have a higher risk of getting diabetes if the insulin resistance isn’t properly taken care of. Diet and exercise are the key to combating insulin resistance but supplements are also extremely helpful.

Studies show that just one teaspoon a day of cinnamon can have a great effect on a person with insulin resistance. The active chemical in cinnamon is methylhydroxychalcone polymer or MHCP. MHCP has been proven to lower blood glucose levels, triglycerides and LDL cholesterol levels. Women with PCOS are more susceptible to the effects of the breakdown of cells due to oxidation so taking cinnamon can help since it is an MHCP is an antioxidant.

You can either sprinkle cinnamon on your food or in your drinks or you can take it in a capsule form. Some people enjoy cinnamon in their coffee or tea. You can sprinkle some on your applesauce or in pudding. You can find the supplements at your local health food stores or pharmacies. Many people claim that after taking the recommended dose of cinnamon daily for a few weeks that their hemoglobin A1C levels are significantly lowered. Hemoglobin A1C is the blood test that determines how your blood sugar levels are doing over a three month period of time. People with diabetes or insulin resistant usually have this blood test done a few times a year in conjunction with testing their own blood sugars at home on a daily basis.

Some signs of insulin resistance are weight gain, not easy to lose weight, carbohydrate cravings, an increase in blood pressure and an increase in cholesterol levels. For women with PCOS, they may have some or all of those symptoms as well as irregular periods, hair growth on their face or neck, cysts on ovaries and infertility. Not everyone will have these symptoms. Some may have all the symptoms and more. Talking to your health care provider and having the appropriate tests done is the best way to find a diagnosis.

Cinnamon is an easy and inexpensive way to help prevent your insulin resistance from furthering into diabetes. Insulin resistance can take over your life, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Some people do not require metformin, a drug to help glucose and insulin levels, when they are taking cinnamon. I say it is worth a try with all of this information and studies being put out there for all to see.

I was diagnosed with PCOS many years ago. I didn’t believe that I had this condition for a few years after the original diagnosis since I only had one symptoms, irregular periods. It wasn’t until I started trying to conceive child number two and had trouble that I started to take that diagnosis seriously. I went on to have four healthy children, one before diagnosis and three after. I exercise daily and eat a healthy, lower carb diet. After reading all these studies and submissions that cinnamon has helped women with PCOS as well as others with insulin resistance or even just a risk of insulin resistance, I think that I am going to give it a shot. I am always looking for ways to help my health stay good and keep the problems at bay. I say that it is an easy thing to try so I am on board.

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