Randi Rhodes Suspended for . . . What!?!

Randi Rhodes has hosted her own three-hour talk show on Air America since its inception a little over three years ago. Anyone who has listened to her knows that she is politically astute, always prepared on the issues, extremely opinionated, and very passionate about what she does and the message she wants to deliver. On occasion, she can also be rude, abrasive and doesn’t hesitate to cut off a caller that she has tired of trying to bring around to her point of view. She has never used inappropriate language on the air. So it was something of a surprise to learn that she has been suspended indefinitely for language unbecoming a talk show host. It was an even bigger surprise to learn that she was not on the air when she used the inappropriate language.

Say what?

Here’s the story. Rhodes was invited by Air America to attend an event in San Francisco on March 22nd, hosted by progressive talk radio station KKGN, or Green960, as it is known, according to the New York Times. On April 3, Air America chairman Charlie Kireker posted a notice on the Air America home page announcing that Rhodes had been suspended, and stated: “Air America . . . does not condone such abusive and ad hominem language by our Hosts,” according to airamerica.com. All well and good, perhaps, if she was on the air when she made the comments.

If you weren’t there, as most of us were not, but had an opportunity to see the YouTube recording of Rhodes’ remarks, she was very clearly doing a stand-up comedy routine. Her monologue skewered a broad range of politicos, from Hillary Clinton to Elliot Spitzer. In the course of her routine, Rhodes did indeed refer to both Clinton and Geraldine Ferraro as “a f****** whore” more than once, according to YouTube and the New York Times.

And, despite criticism that her audience was not amused by her comments, on the YouTube video the audience very definitely was laughing throughout the routine and at one point even trading humorous quips with Rhodes. Almost certainly, not everyone in the audience agreed with Rhodes’ observations but they at least seemed to have maintained their sense of humor.

So what’s going on with Air America? Whether or not you agree with the tone of her remarks, Rhodes was using language in her routine that comedians on all sides of the political spectrum have used in night clubs, at personal appearances, in print, and yes, even on television and radio. Howard Stern, Lewis Black, Dennis Miller , Bill Maher . . . need I say more? Some people think they are funny, others do not. Since Rhodes was not doing the routine on air, why did Air America decide it had to censor her in a very public fashion? When the notoriously off-color Stern was fined by the FCC, it was, the agency explained, for using unacceptable language on air, according to the Smoking Gun. I suppose Air America could self-righteously claim that they are policing their own, but that would be hogwash. The network was founded, after all, on the principal that progressive and liberal ideas should have as free and unfettered a public forum as the multitude of right wing stations that dominate the airwaves. Rhodes did nothing on air to violate that principal.

It is further puzzling that Air America should take this point in time to exercise their right to censor. Progressive talk stations are decreasing rather than increasing. The flagship New York station, WWRL, dropped a number of Air America’s line-up. Interestingly, the station retained the most popular of the talk show hosts, including Rachel Maddow, Ed Schultz, and Randi Rhodes. Most recently, the progressive talk station in Sacramento decided to change its format from progressive politics to music, according to democraticforum.com. Over the past two years, 28 stations nationwide changed their format, dropping the Air America lineup, according to left.wikia.com. And Air America itself was in danger of collapsing about 18 months ago, until current owner Richard Green stepped in and took over the reins.

Why progressive stations choose to change their format is an interesting question that requires a separate discussion about who owns and controls the airwaves (hint: despite traditional and popular belief, it is no longer the public). Why Air America is taking Randi Rhodes off the air for whatever amount of time, may be an easier question to answer (another hint: it’s not about language). Think 2008 presidential campaign. Richard Green is a staunch Clinton supporter. Randi Rhodes has been using her air time to champion Barack Obama – in very appropriate on air language. The only thing she is guilty of is not promoting the right candidate. You can disagree with her for sure. But censor her for her political beliefs? You’re losing the high ground, Air America, and such high-handed tactics may lose you more than that.

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