Sore Feet – Foot Pain – the Simple Facts and the Cures

What is Sore Feet – Foot Pain: Sore feet is a very common problem that effects millions accross the planet Earth, making simple things such as standing, walking, running, or working, almost a nightmare, because of the pain and discomfort involved.

What causes Sore Feet – Foot Pain: The most frequent cause of heel or arch pain is plantar fasciitis. This is inflammation of the plantar fascia, the tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot. A symptom is sharp pain in the arch when getting up in the morning or after prolonged inactivity. Wearing shoes with little arch or heel support, too much physical activity, going barefoot and being overweight all can contribute to the condition. People with flat feet or with very high arches that flatten when they stand up are at higher risk for foot pain problems.

Sore Feet – Foot Pain – Symptoms: Foot pain can start after you have stood for a long time, or while walking or working. My feet got so bad that they ached day and night. At work I got to the point where I could hardly walk, and when I rested they continued aching for a long time. The pain got so severe it threatened my job, my family activities and almost everything that I enjoyed doing. The first symptoms are often what feels like a burning or hot foot, this often occurs before developing into a foot pain problem.

Sore Feet – Foot Pain – Treatment: The first step in treating foot pain is usualy to take a trip to the local store and buy some inserts, like Doctor Shoals. If you foot pain continues, visit a podiatrist. The podiatrist may give you a shot of ‘cortizone’ in the foot to stop the pain, or he/she may recommend that you have custom ‘orthotic inserts’ made. There are numerous creams and rub’s you can also try, but I never had any real relief with them, it seemed they warmed or heated the skin or made my feet smell good, but the creams etc never penetrated the skin or made it’s way to the inflamed areas. Also, you may be placed on medication to relieve the pain if it’s severe.

Sore Feet – Foot Pain – Prevention: Treat your feet good and they will probably be good to you. Buy and wear shoes that are not only comfortable but ones that have arch support and cushioning. If the shoes are hard to walk on or provide little cushioning, buy some inserts like Doctor Shoals. The biggest factor I found in my battle with foot pain is weight. If you are overweight you are asking for foot pain.

Sore Feet – Foot Pain: My Personal Story and solutions – I have worked at the same job site since 1978, and my job requires constant walking and standing all day, and the floors are hard where I work, just tile over concrete. My feet started aching over time, at first I hardly noticed it. I would finish my day at work, and notice my feet were kinda sore. Over the next year or so, by the end of the day my feet were aching bad by the end of the work day. I started looking around for different types of shoes and sneakers, and started buying inserts. The new shoes and inserts worked fine for a few months or so, then the pain started coming back, and got much worse.

I made an appointment to see a local podiatrist. The first thing my podiatrist did was take some xrays of my feet, what came back was not pretty. She showed me where my feet had large areas that showed up very white on the film. She said all of this was areas that were inflammed and painful, and she was right, by this time I could barely walk.

The next thing my podiatrist did was measure my feet and made plaster casts. From these castings she ordered special inserts for my shoes ‘orthotic inserts’. These were not cheap, this was almost 10 years ago, and they costed around $300 for the pair. A couple weeks later my orthopedic inserts arrived, they were hard and were made out of fiberglass. They didn’t bend or flex any, but were molded to fit the shape of my feet. After a few days of walking in them my feet felt wonderful, all of my foot pain went away. I was living again with no foot pain for a couple years, when suddenly my pain started returning with a vengance.

I was wearing my orthotic inserts, wearing good shoes, wearing doctor shoals under my custom inserts and my feet were aching more and more. In time I could hardly walk, my job performance and lifestyle started going downhill fast. When I got home from work, all I wanted to do was sit, and even them my feet ached badly for hours. By this time my weight had ballooned to over 300 pounds. I went on a diet and in a years time, I had lost slightly over 100 pounds. My foot pain completely left, and to this day, almost 3 years later, I still have none. So I know from personal experience, watch your weight, that is probably the biggest factor in causing foot pain problems.

There is a website that provides cures, facts and other great information on Sore Feet – Foot Pain and numerous medical conditions, the website is called: All About Health

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