Greek Yogurt and Weight Loss

Yogurt is known to be a very beneficial food to include in your diet if you are trying to lose weight. Studies have found that eating yogurt three times a day can help you shed pounds, particularly in the belly area. If you enjoy Greek yogurt, you might be wondering if it is also good for weight loss. Since it is a lot thicker, some may assume that it’s not. Is Greek yogurt actually a healthier option than regular yogurt though?

Greek Yogurt Can Help You Lose Weight

Yogurt is known to aid in weight loss because it is both high in calcium, which is thought to get rid of belly fat, and protein. Protein is essential for weight loss because it helps keep you feeling full for a longer time, which means that it may prevent you from snacking in between meals. Additionally, yogurt is a low calorie snack so it can play a role in a reduced calorie diet.

Non-fat Greek yogurt is thought to be even more beneficial for weight loss than yogurt. The reason is because Greek yogurt is because it generally has twice the amount of protein as regular yogurt, according to WebMD. Greek yogurt is also a more ideal option because it is lower in sugar than regular yogurt.

How to Enjoy Greek Yogurt for Weight Loss

Though Greek yogurt is generally healthier than regular yogurt, many people find that it is not a satisfying option for them. It tends to be a more sour option than regular yogurt. If you are trying to find ways to enjoy Greek yogurt, you may want to try the following ideas:

1. Mix Fresh Fruit with Greek Yogurt

Add strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, grapes, bananas, or even pineapple to Greek yogurt to naturally add sweeter flavor. If you like fruit smoothies, you can also consider adding Greek yogurt or using it as a replacement for regular yogurt.

2. Add Peanut Butter, Honey, or Chocolate Chips

If you’re looking for another way to sweeten up Greek yogurt, consider adding small amounts of peanut butter, honey, or chocolate chips. Keep in mind that these options are higher in fat and sugar than fruit.

3. Add Whole Grain Cereal or Granola

Another healthy way to enjoy Greek yogurt is to Add Whole Grain Cereal or Granola. It can even be a good alternative for people who do not enjoy eating milk with cereal.

4. Consider Adding Crystal Light

A good way to add flavor to Greek yogurt is to add a packet of Crystal light. Keep in mind that you’ll want to use the size which is intended for water bottles. This will add flavor to plain Greek yogurt without adding tons of calories to your diet.

Greek yogurt can be a great food to include in your diet if you’re trying to lose weight. There are also many great ways to enjoy plain non-fat Greek yogurt without adding a lot of calories and sugar to your diet.


WebMD, “6 Best Foods You’re Not Eating.”

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