The Impact of Teen Pregnancy

The Impact of Teen Pregnancy
An Interview with Therapist Shadia Duske, MA, NCC

Many teens don’t realize the impact teen pregnancy can have on their lives. To help understand what type of impact teen pregnancy can have on a teen, I have interviewed therapist Shadia Duske, MA, NCC.

Tell me a little bit about yourself.
“I am a National Certified Counselor with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and a Master of Arts degree in Counseling. In addition to having special training in reproductive issues, I am also a member of the American Counseling Association, the Marcé Society (International society dedicated to the understanding, prevention, and treatment of mental illness related to child bearing), and P3 (Pregnancy and Postpartum Partnership of Colorado). I have a private practice as a psychotherapist specializing in Reproductive Mental Wellness. My area of specialty includes issues such as unintended pregnancy loss, abortion, infertility, perinatal mood disorders, high risk pregnancy, and teenage pregnancy.

I have worked in the field of mental health since 2004 and have extensive experience providing counseling services to adolescents and their families. The issue of teen pregnancy is a controversial one, and unfortunately due to its controversy, this issue is not discussed openly enough in our culture. The fact is that the United States has the highest teen pregnancy rate when compared to other developed countries (National Campaign to prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy). It is time that we tackle this issue from a place of providing teens with information, education, and resources.”

What type of impact does pregnancy have on a teen?
Going through pregnancy and caring for a baby and child are life changing and challenging experiences for anyone, even well-adjusted adults with a supportive partner. For a teenager, the stress and life changes associated with pregnancy and parenting are intensified and complicated by several other factors. In our culture, the developmental stage during the teenage years is one of self focus and identity formation. According to Erik Erikson, a well-known developmental theorist, this is the age of figuring out who we are and how we fit into the world. Teenagers tend to be egocentric, which means there is a sense of the world revolving around them. This is a normal part of the developmental process, but it can make the idea of carrying a life and taking care of that life, extremely difficult. Suddenly the focus needs to shift from figuring out who they are and how they fit into their world, to worrying about buying diapers and formula. It forces them to have to skip the vital stage of identity formation. There is a loss of innocence and childhood.

There is growing research involving how teenagers think differently from adults. According to new brain imaging studies, there is evidence that the teenager’s brain structure looks quite different from an adult’s. During the teen years, the frontal lobe (which is the part of the brain that deals with judgment, decision-making, and impulse control), appears to be much smaller and less active than in the adult years. It is thought that perhaps this lapse in frontal lobe activity is connected to hormonal changes during puberty. The pregnant teen is forced to grow up and think like an adult before she is truly ready for this. This can be extremely overwhelming. One way some teenagers cope with this overwhelming stress is to minimize the responsibility they are facing. Many teenagers might convince themselves that having a baby won’t really change their lives all that much and that it might actually be kind of fun. It is easier for their psyches to handle a fantasy related to their experience rather than the reality. Bringing home the baby and learning to parent can be a shocking reality check for those who have clung to the fantasies.

The other important consideration when thinking about the impact a teen pregnancy can have on a teen is the teen’s support system. For many teenage girls, the baby’s father does not remain in the picture, or if he does, he is not in a place to be emotionally supportive. Because of the stigma associated with being a pregnant teenager, she may even lose the support of her parents, other caregivers, and friends. Not having support can add to the stress and challenges associated with pregnancy and parenting. Losing support may also impact the teenager’s sense of self worth and can lead to intense feelings of isolation, anxiety, and depression.

In addition to struggling psychologically, most teens also struggle financially. They have not yet received an education allowing them to make much over minimum wage. If the baby’s father is in the picture, he is often also in a similar position financially. Many teens have to rely on help from their parents or government assistance programs, which still often only help teens reach just beyond the poverty level. It can be incredibly difficult to find affordable childcare in order to work and/or continue receiving an education, so many teen moms find themselves feeling “stuck” and unable to grow on a career path.

For many pregnant teens there is a feeling of isolation. They don’t fit in with the other teens in their world that are worrying about what to wear to prom and studying for the SATs. They also don’t fit in with most of the other moms-to-be who are older, married, and settled. There can be an overwhelming feeling of being different. This is especially difficult for teenagers, who are at a place in their life where “fitting in” and “finding themselves” is so important.

Another issue that can be incredibly difficult for pregnant teens is one of body image. Teenagers in general tend to struggle with body image and acceptance, let alone a teenager who is pregnant. The pregnant teen has to readjust to her growing and changing physical self. It wasn’t long ago that she was faced with puberty and adjusting to those new curves. Suddenly, she is faced with even bigger physical changes. There can be an element of self consciousness and discomfort around her growing body.

Up to this point, much of this information has been about pregnant teens that choose to go through their pregnancy and become parents. It is important to note that in addition to choosing to parent, there are also other options including abortion and adoption. The stress associated with making this choice can be enormous, especially for a teenager. Unfortunately, many teens are either unaware of their choices or do not have adequate support around making the choice.”

Thank you Shadia for doing the interview on the impact of teen pregnancy. For more information about Shadia Duske or her work you can check out her website on

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