What Prenatal Classes Do You Really Need to Take?

If you are pregnant you may be contemplating what prenatal classes you will want to take. Prenatal classes are likely offered at the hospital where you will experience your labor and delivery. Prenatal classes range from comprehensive childbirth preparation classes to more specific offerings such as Lamaze, breastfeeding basics, and infant CPR. You may be tempted to sign up for every class offered; however, it’s not likely you will have the time to fit in every single class. Also, you may discover than some of the information is repetitive if you attend multiple classes. This guide will help you to determine what classes will be most beneficial for you, and your baby-to-be.

Basic Childbirth. This prenatal class is offered by most hospitals and is an all-encompassing look at the labor and delivery process. You will most likely view some videos of the birth process, look at some tools such as forceps that might be used during your labor, discuss birth plan options, and get a tour of the hospital facilities. These prenatal classes are typically offered over the course of a few weeks, or in one all day weekend class. Basic childbirth classes do not get into much detail about any one topic, but do provide a general overview of what to expect during labor and delivery. Keep in mind that not everyone who attends this class may actually want to be there. Some parents may be court-ordered to attend. Unfortunately the audience can make the class less useful for excited parents.

Basic Baby Care. This prenatal class will teach you the basics of taking care of your newborn baby. You will learn proper ways to hold a newborn, how to care for the umbilical stump, how to bathe your baby, and the proper way to put your newborn down to sleep. If you have little or no experience with babies this prenatal class may be useful to you. If you are already somewhat comfortable around babies, you may find that this class isn’t really needed. Some specific questions, such as how to take care of the umbilical stump, can be answered while you’re in the hospital.

Infant CPR. This class is an excellent choice to take for all parents-to-be. No matter how calm a person you are, you will most definitely fear SIDS as well as choking as your baby gets older. Knowing infant CPR will help set your mind at ease knowing you are armed with the techniques needed to help your baby if she is ever in trouble. Don’t be fooled into thinking just because you have taken a traditional CPR class that you know the techniques already. Infant CPR is quite different.

Breastfeeding Basics. If you are planning to breastfeed your baby, this is one prenatal class that you really should attend. Breastfeeding does not come completely naturally to mom or baby. It will take some practice and getting as much information as you can about breastfeeding before you baby is born will help you prepare for it, as well as give you the confidence to stick with it. You will learn how to breastfeed, how to combat breastfeeding problems, what products are available to help you with breastfeeding, and why breastfeeding is so important for newborns.

Lamaze or Other Specific Technique Classes. Specific method classes, such as Lamaze, are for those mothers who are preparing for natural childbirth, without the help of an epidural or other medication. These prenatal classes teach specific breathing, relaxation, and distraction techniques to allow you to deal with the pains of labor. If you are thinking about having a natural birth, you will definitely want to take a class such as this to help prepare yourself. If you are pretty certain you will be using an epidural, then this class isn’t for you.

Pregnancy is overwhelming as it is. Don’t allow the prenatal class choices you have to face overwhelm you as well. Use this information as a guide to make the best decision you can as to what classes you need to prepare for your newborn baby.

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