Summary of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

With the Harry Potter series coming to an end, here is a chance to relive Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban in a condensed version. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban starts with Harry being home for the summer with the Dursleys. After being insulted by Uncle Vernon’s sister, Marge, Harry uses his magic to inflate her, and she floats into the ceiling.

Harry runs away, and he is met at Diagon Alley by Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge. Harry is afraid he is going to be expelled for using magic outside of school, but Fudge does nothing. When Harry Potter returns to Hogwarts, he overhears that Sirius Black, a convicted murderer, has escaped Azkaban prison and is hunting Harry.

To stop Sirius Black from getting Harry, Dementors, the guards from Azkaban, are on patrol at Hogwarts. Dementors are inhuman creatures that take away light and happiness from anything they are near.

Harry Potter has a very difficult time whenever the Dementors are near him. When they approach him during a Quidditch match, he faints and falls from his broomstick, only to be saved by Albus Dumbledore.

The friendships between Hermione, Ron, and Harry Potter become a problem when Ron believes Hermione’s cat ate his rat. Harry gets mad at Hermione when he receives a Firebolt broomstick as an anonymous gift, and she reports it to a professor to have it tested, as she believes it may be cursed.

Harry Potter overhears a conversation, while in a village called Hogsmeade, in which he finds out that Sirius Black was formerly a friend of his parents. Harry discovers that Black told Lord Voldemort where they were and then killed twelve Muggle people and their friend Peter Pettigrew.

Later, when Harry Potter is looking at a map he has showing where people are located in Hogwarts, he sees Peter Pettigrew on the map. During a visit to Hagrid by Harry Potter, Ron, and Hermione, Ron’s rat and Hermione’s cat appear, running into the Whomping Willow.

Ron is attacked by a giant dog and gets dragged into a hole under a tree. Harry and Hermione chase after Ron and the dog where Harry discovers Sirius Black. Lupin also arrives when he sees his friend, Sirius Black, appear on his map.

Sirius Black explains that he escaped from prison to kill Peter Pettigrew because it was Peter Pettigrew who told Lord Voldemort where Harry’s parents were. Peter Pettigrew is actually in the form of Ron’s rat.

After Harry Potter, Ron, and Hermione leave, a full moon turns Lupin into a werewolf and Peter Pettigrew is able to escape. Dementors catch Sirius Black and return to the castle to take his soul.

As Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban nears its end, Hermione reveals to Harry Potter that she has a time-turner. They use it to go back to the events of the night, and Harry helps Sirius Black escape. Harry Potter and Hermione return back to normal time as Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban comes to an end.

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