The Word “Friend” Also Means “Acquaintance”

Does anybody ever wonder what the term friend actually means? According to the dictionary the word “friend” has many different meanings:

– a person whom one likes or trusts
– an acquaintance
– a person whom one is allied in a struggle or cause, a comrade
– one who supports sympathizes with, or patronizes a group

After deciphering through these definitions it seems that just about everyone we come into contact with is a friend in some shape or form. I just find it difficult to consider some of these definitions to be used as a “friend.” Especially the definition stating that a person whom one is allied in a struggle or cause, does it mean by choice? And if they are not allied by choice then why would they be considered a friend and not just a connector or link. I don’t know, maybe using a different word. My thought process in this is if everyone is considered a friend than what is the person whom you share all your deepest secrets and thoughts considered?

There should be a different one word that describes the person whom you can “spill your guts out to” and say things to them that you would not be able to tell another sole about, and they would not pass judgment. These are few and far, and I do agree that acquaintances, buddies, pals, associates are all friends. They are there to help when you are in need and they can lend a shoulder to cry on. However, they may not be the one to share your undisclosed feelings with all the time.

So what do we call these people, “true friend,” or “best friend” as opposed to just a “friend?” I have lots of friends that would help me in any situation, people that I can count on when in help or need of advice, but that connection of sharing something personal with is just not there. I just wish there was a better one word term to use for those few that are allowed to enter beyond the body and actually touch the soul.

So any thoughts on a word besides bff or bffl (best friends forever or best friends for life). These suggestions came from my children. Any new ideas for a new one word that would describe “more than a friend” out there?

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