Visiting the Pomfret School in Pomfret, Connecticut

Visiting Pomfret School on Pomfret Street in Pomfret, Connecticut tells you a few things about Pomfret School very quickly. This school is not in a large metropolitan area with a campus covering several city blocks. In contrast, visiting Pomfret School, Pomfret CT means staying at a small school in a small town with a 500 acre rural campus. The administrators and staff have worked for more than a century to make this small school something truly special and worthy of consideration if you are looking for a co-ed school in Connecticut for grades 9-12 and post-graduation.

What’s So Special About Pomfret. Boarding Schools is like distinguish themselves by offering something special. It’s not enough for a school like Pomfret School in Pomfret, CT to offer a traditional college preparatory education, taught by an excellent staff in classes that average 12 per classroom. In private school it is supposed to be much more. Why would parents spend money on a private school education if they couldn’t afford to pay the school to complete it.

From the position of administrators at Pomfret School, Pomfret, CT, distinguishing academic features is its counselor/counselor program. Students in each grade level are assigned a staff member to serve as their advisor. Once each week, either during lunch or dinner, students form an advisory group around their common advisor and have the opportunity to seek the direction and informational guidance they need in the short term or long term. The ability to ask a staff member for advice on a regular basis provides students at Pomfret School, Pomfret, CT with support that is especially helpful in navigating a school setting where the whole system of living can seem strange and threatening.

Parents of students leaving at Pomfret School can rest a little easier knowing that the author/initiator of the program is up and running here.

Small school, Good diversity. Sometimes smaller schools are less likely to experience high school years in a different student body. Pomfret School strives to attract students from around the country and around the world. During the school year, he visits school fairs throughout Connecticut, but also travels as far away in the U.S. as California, Texas, and Ohio. Ambassadors from the Pomfret school are also extending their presence by visiting fair schools in Germany, Bermuda, the Dominican Republic, Guyana and Jamaica. The attempt here is not to excavate, but to invite in a variety of cultural, ethnic and racial backgrounds.

In Court and Field An education at Pomfret School means having the ability to stretch yourself physically in interscholastic athletics. What’s important to those who visit Pomfret School is that it doesn’t just offer the “usual suspects” to its high school athletes. Also football, soccer, volleyball, high school, softball here and tennis here. But what is really amazing in a school of this size is that you can also find the faculty and coaching if you want to do something a little different, like a pumpkin play, play hockey for boys or girls or join a song. You will find these in public sports in the second tier in some large public schools in affluent areas but not so in smaller public schools. , charters or even private schools. This is a solid effort to really reach out and provide athletic opportunities to meet the interests and abilities of many students who are athletically inclined.

Arts. Visiting the Pomfret School, you may gather that true education here seems to be composed of three elements: academics, athletics and finally arts. In Pomfret school arts courses are offered in dance, music and theater. Participating students have the opportunity to regularly perform in concerts, plays and dances as part of campus events. What’s really nice about students involved in the arts is that student groups also get involved in productions or shows that take them off campus and perform in audiences near New York and throughout New England. When we keep in mind that this is the last time in high school, your opportunities to test your talent in various venues are quite a large and reliable educational opportunity.

live. Pomfret School goes out of its way to provide an enjoyable learning experience for its students. All boarders are selected from single, double or in a few cases triple student rooms. Each student dorm dorm is supervised by the parents who live in the dormitory with the students. This is a good opportunity for students to learn independently while feeling safe under reasonable adult supervision. While many of the Pomfret schools seem similar to being raised at the college level, it is clearly recognized that this is in fact a boarding school for high students school. Supervision and support is a completely different type than what is needed in a college dorm and is properly provided.

Pomfret School gives parents the sense that their children are well taught, well developed and well taken care of while they are there. attendance at this boarding school in Connecticut. After all, Pomfret School has educated students for more than a century.


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