Writers are some of the funniest people on the planet, and I find that their funny quotes often focus on the failings of other writers! Of course, most of them do not shy away from the odd sarcasm. Here are some sentences that please me very much;
“This book is not to be tossed lightly. It must be sent with great force.” Dorothy Parker
“Andiatoroct is the title of a volume of poems by Rev. Clarence Waleworth, Albany N.Y. It is a word borrowed from the Indians, and we think it should be returned to them as soon as possible.” Oscar Wilde
“Every word that Lillian Hellman writes is a lie, between and and.” Mary McCarthy
“I thought I’d start reading a poem by Shakespeare but then I thought why should I?” He never read any of mine. Spike Milligan
No one anywhere for me!
“The critic said that he slept and understood Yeats’s poems; but his family denied both stories.” H.H. Munro
“Walde is one of those men who are greatly improved by death.” H.H. Munro
He was an author whose works were so much more secret known.
“This book of Italian literature shows an incompetence which must be acquired by years of study.” Anscharius Wilde
The innate tradition of writers is the certain knowledge that others write;
“Your duty as a critic is to show that you are the one who would have written the book if you had had the time, and that you are not glad that someone else had, when it could clearly be done better.” Stephen Potter
Paradise Lost is a book that, once put down, is hard to pick up again. Samuel Johnson
His books are burning like a wild fire-all in . “George de Witt
“Certainly he did not kiss Ulysses’ hand. Many things and other things happened.” James Joyce
“I’m doing a lot for your book. I won’t waste time reading it.” Benjamin Disraeli
It seems that even an odd king can sometimes delight in insulting a writer.
” Donne’s verses are like the peace and mercy of God. Like his peace they pass all understanding, and like his mercy they seem to be eternal.” King James 1
The best and happiest writers sometimes admit that writing can sometimes be a very demanding task;
“Writing is easy. All you have to do is stare at a blank piece of paper until drops of blood form on the front.” Gene Fowler
I have been working on my poems all day. I put a comma in the morning and read it again in the evening. Oscar Wilde
“Not very well. I can only write prose today.” W. B. Yeats
But sometimes it can be as easy as the toilet;
First coffee, then bowel movements, then banana joins me. “Gore Vidal
Finally, I’ll leave you with an idea that could really stick;
“My brother wrote a story about an unusual murder. The victim was killed from another book.” Robert Sylvester