Growing Tomatoes in My Backyard

Last year one tomato plant provided my family with tomatoes from July through November. The plant cost me $3, the fertilizer another $6. This $9 investment saved me an estimated $100 in tomato purchases over a 5 month period. It was effortless and even fun. Here’s how you can get healthy in your backyard too.

Choose a sunny spot

My backyard doesn’t get sun until the afternoon. This made the backyard a little susceptible to tomato theft. To overcome the problem, I cleaned the patch in my backyard flower, which starts around noon. Months passed and my tomato plant flowered, I want to clear the space 6 feet across.

Tomato Susceptibility Seeds or Tomato Susceptibility Plant?

I live further north with seeds grow my tomatoes from seeds. But I went to a local nursery and asked to buy the hardest, sweetest tomatoes they have. My research online buying convinced me to buy Italian Tree Tomatoes, but the expert at the nursery simply gave me the plant and told me no names care, such as planting in a sunny place and watering the tomatoes in the morning. So I did.

I plant my tomatoes in the pond

Susa entered the ditch twice as deep and as wide as the tomato pot. I filled the hole with potting mix (which I had in my garage). Then I loosened the roots of the susceptible tomato plant, placing it in a pit, surrounded by nutritious soil. A little manure was sprinkled on top and watered heavily.

To water

I kept my boots on until my plant was planted, so that I would have trouble pulling them every day. I watered my tomatoes heavily in the morning. In time I realized that the more the plant watered, the faster it grew.


My five meter tomato plant was growing in it within three weeks and it was a tomato. Then I noticed that the slugs flocked to the plant as if my tomatoes were standing fast. Because I have three dogs that roam freely in my backyard, I don’t want to spread any pesticides around my garden. I’ve heard that coffee can also repel slugs, but I simply wanted to go out at night with a flashlight and see if I could pick the slugs. This system worked perfectly.

To ripen in the vineyard or in the bag?

As long as the sun lasted, I left the tomato vine to ripen. But as soon as the cold weather blows around October, all the green tomatoes (two large baskets) Then I wrapped the tomatoes in paper bags and placed them in my cellar to ripen in the dark. This way I had good tomatoes at the end of November.

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