A Bit About How Thermostats Work and Why They Are Important

Brrrrr! For those of us lucky enough to live in the Midwest and East, our much-loved winter is back and it’s time for guns, snow angels, snow forts, snow, and snow fights. After participating in such activities stream, nothing in a warm, toasty home in hot chocolate From the fireplace But what if you don’t have a fireplace, wood burning stove, or an equivalent to heat the house? Those of us who control the thermostat heating do not rely on us to keep our environment in a constant state of comfort. We will tell you how the thermostat works and why it is one of the most essential elements in the home heating process.

To maintain a comfortable temperature balance during the winter months human body temperature, there are several ways to do it. Our houses have heating and cooling systems, densely insulated walls, and proper ventilation, but more importantly the overall aspect. This system is a thermostat. The history of the thermostat can be traced back to the 17th century when a floating mercury thermometer was used inside. When the mercury had risen, he made it float and released the spirit over the furnace. As the temperature decreased, the mercury and the buoyancy would be too high and the vent would consequently open upwards.

Not surprisingly, today’s thermostats have advanced quite a substantial amount. The sophisticated thermostats we have today work through a heat-activated switch that opens or closes based on a temperature sensor. When the temperature reaches the desired level determined by the user, it triggers the sensor and interrupts the electrical circuit that controls the heating system and shuts off the heat. An effective thermostat will monitor and control the temperature so that there are no major fluctuations in the room temperature. Most systems will try to control the temperature within a two degree range.

There are two types of thermostats that are commonly used by residential home heating. One type is known as electromechanical where a bi-metal ball is used to sense temperature changes. As the temperature rises or falls, the metal ball expands or contracts at different rates. The movement of the bi-metal strip results in a connected device of different types to activate or deactivate the heating process.

The second type of thermostat is definitely a newer method of heating the home. Electronic thermostats use electronic heat sensors to activate and deactivate home heating equipment. This type of device is more precise in substance than bi-metal coil thermostats. This type can be programmed to meet your schedule at different levels of comfortable temperature when you’re at home during the day, from work, and while you sleep. This accuracy and scheduling allows the homeowner to save money by eliminating wasted energy.

To correctly configure the thermostat of your choice with your heating system, you must first determine what type of power it is. Both types of driven thermostats are compatible with gas, oil and electronic heating systems. Most purchased thermostats will contain specific instructions on how to install the equipment and wiring based on the heating system you own.

While many thermostats stand out in the open and are highly visible in the home, many manufacturers today tend to focus on features and aesthetics. Today, this may be something to consider in addition to the system when deciding on a new thermostat. Whatever you decide, it will definitely help you stay warm on those cold winter nights.

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